Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
Virtual Yoga: 7am
Pilates Happy Hour: 6:00pm
Kids: 4:30pm
Today’s Programming
EMOM 10:00
1 Clean and Split Jerk
Work up to a heavy but subax clean and split jerk. Something heavier than what you’ll do in the metcon after this. Cleans can be power or squat.
3 Rounds for time of:
30 Calorie Row
20 Burpees
10 Clean and Jerks
C+J are intended to be full squat clean and Jerks. If you came yesterday and your legs are very sore from 18.1 you can perform these as power cleans. Jerks may by split or push.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Jerry and Mikey2 working through Monday’s Rowing/DB Metcon