Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Today’s Programming:
Choose one track to work on based on your current abilities. Focus on low volume, high quality skill work that will not burn you out before the workout.
A: 1-3 Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups / Bar Muscle-Ups
Buy in: 5+ Strict Pull-Ups / 5+ Kipping Pull-Ups
B: 3 Kipping Pull-Ups
Buy in 3+ Strict Pull-Ups
C: 3×5 Banded or Self Assisted Pull-Ups
12 Rounds for time:
3 Bar Muscle-Ups or CTB Kipping Pull-Ups
6 Wall Ball Shots
9 Calorie Row
Time cap: 20:00
3 CTB or standard Kipping Pull-Ups
6 Jumping Pull-Ups or Ring Rows
3 Sets:
10-12 Double Dumbbell Pull Overs
10-15 Banded Kneeling Crunches
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
22 – 16 – 10
22 Burpees
11ea Single Arm Thrusters
Rest 2:00
16 Burpees
8ea Single Arm Thrusters
Rest 2:00
10 Burpees
5ea Single Arm Thrusters
Time Cap: 20:00
A1. Lying Dumbbell Pull Overs
3 x 10 – 12 Reps
A2. Slider Pike Ups
3 x 12 – 14
A3. Superman Hold
3 x :30 – :40
Nick teaches virtual one-on-one piano lessons to children of all ages as well as adults. If you or anyone you know would like to learn piano, please help get the word out! You can contact Nick and learn more at his website here.
Haley Morrone: Finding Her Place
Food, alcohol, drugs, sex, cigarettes — these were the ways Haley Morrone used to deal with her trauma. “Pretty much any bad behavior that I could find is what I was kind of reaching for,” Morrone says.
When Morrone was 10, her family discovered she was being sexually abused by her grandfather. The abuse had gone undetected for years. During the police interviews and therapy, everything came to the surface. That’s when she really started struggling to find healthy ways to cope…