Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Today’s Programming:
Choose one track to work on based on your current abilities. Focus on low volume, high quality skill work that will not burn you out before the workout.
A: 1-3 Jumping Bar Muscle-Ups / Bar Muscle-Ups
Buy in: 5+ Strict Pull-Ups / 5+ Kipping Pull-Ups
B: 3 Kipping Pull-Ups
Buy in: 3+ Strict Pull-Ups
C: 3×5 Banded or Self Assisted Pull-Ups
5 Rounds for time:
3 Bar Muscle-Ups or 6 Chest to Bar Kipping Pull-Ups
9 Devil’s Presses
27 Double Unders
A: Bar Muscle-Ups
B: CTB Kipping Pull-Ups
C: Kipping Pull-Ups
D: 9 Ring Rows
3 Sets:
12 Seated Curls
16 Supine Leg Raises
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
Warm Up
2 – 3 Rounds:
6 x Inchworm + 1 Push Up
:30 Hollow Hold
12 x Alt Jump Lunges
A1. Pistols or Goblet Kickstand Pistols
4 x 6 – 10 Reps Each
A2. Bicep Curls
4 x Max Reps
A3. Supine Leg Raises
4 x 12 – 14 Reps
Bicep Curls – You can opt to perform single or double arm bicep curls depending on the weight you have at home.
5 Rounds for Time:
3ea Single Arm Bent Over Rows
6ea Single Arm Devil’s Presses
27 Low Box Runners
Low Box Runners: Count one foot for reps. If you have a Jump Rope at home you can perform 27 Double Under or an appropriate scaling option on the jump rope.
Join us for our first pay what you can (even if it’s just a smile) BIPOC centered yoga class. Classes will be held every Saturday at 10:30am starting February 6th.
This is a chance to share in community, engage in solidarity, healing, and build a deeper embodiment of one’s true self for liberation and autonomy on this life journey. Take up space!
Each class starts with a group check-in and is followed by a gratitude-filled loving-kindness meditation. This allows us to release and surrender to what is, quiet the mind and usher us into the energy of wholeness and receptivity. From our meditation, we will begin our yoga asana practice.
The first half of our yoga asana practice will be restorative Yin poses that are held anywhere from 2-5 min. These deep holds provide us space within and without to discern what is needed in our life, and what’s trying to emerge. The longer holds also allow us to do deep work on the connective tissues (fascia, tendons, ligaments) and meridians (energy channels) bringing balance to our organs.
The second half of class is dedicated to Yang sequencing where we will pick up speed and build heat. The dynamic postures synchronized with the breath will help us burn away anything that no longer serves us while building strength and stamina.
After Savasana space will be held for anyone that wants to engage in a group discussion.
Yoga means “union” in Sanskrit and can manifest in many forms. However, classically, it is an ancient Indian philosophy that goes beyond just physical postures. The 8 limb path of Yoga provides guidelines on how to live a more balanced, conscious life. It is our hope that each class can provide more insight into this beautiful philosophy so that you may begin to find harmony in your life.
Saturdays at 10:30 am starting 2/6/21
Time Length
75 min
Who is this class for?
Literally any melanated body. (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) from newbie to the advanced yogi practitioner. A place for any person of color who wishes to improve their mental, physical, and emotional well-being.
Fragrances Used
Lavender and Eucalyptus essential oils will be used as aromatherapy. If you have any allergies please let Christine know and arrangements can be made in future classes.
About the Instructor
Christine began her yoga journey as an undergrad at a performing arts conservatory. It was a required class for all acting majors and Christine hated every minute of it. Sitting with her insecurities and constantly being confronted by her limitations was annoying but also very necessary for personal growth. However, when she graduated college the habit stopped.
It wasn’t until a traumatic event in 2018 that she decided to turn to yoga once again and found a love for the grounding practice. She became more attuned to the present moment and developed a more accepting, loving embrace for every moment she found herself in, which led to a healthier more balanced sense of self. When Quarantina’s 2020 reign hit, Christine found herself at square one. The negative habits and narratives she thought she had released years ago popped up seemingly overnight which led her to complete a 200hr Yoga Alliance Approved Teacher Training. The training allowed her to really explore her shadow self and to pivot towards a higher form of self-love. Christine routinely incorporates yoga and meditation into kickbacks with friends and it has made the bonds much stronger. Yoga asanas and meditation really can provide that thing you’re looking for beloved, and she wants you to experience it for yourself! It’s Christine’s intention to serve anyone seeking a healing space to be seen, and supported on their journey of growth. Take up space sis!
Suggested price:$30 or one class credit/ Admission price: pay what you can $0-30
Sign Up!
Belated shoutout to Stella for the most lovely surprise wedding present! (See yesterday’s blog post!) The crossword puzzle was super fun to complete (Steven pulled his weight on that one, thank you, Steven) and I think a custom puzzle would make a jolly present for anyone who even half enjoys them.
Never thought we would see photos of our faces on laptops/TVs/projectors across the country (thanks to our Zoom wedding) and never thought our names would be in the lights of those prestigious little boxes (hint hint). Thank you, Stella!!