CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am
Today’s Programming
Shoulder Press
Perform three progressive or across sets of a shoulder press. With the exception of the first rep, try to not pause at the bottom of each rep. Instead use your lockout overhead for a pause if you need it.
6 Rounds for Reps of:
:30 Max reps Double-Unders
:30 Rest
:30 Max Reps Deadlifts
:30 Rest
:30 Max Reps DB Push Press
:30 Rest
These should be light weight and unbroken for each :30 intervals
Double Unders: Aim for 40-50+ reps per set. Normal Alt2 and Single under scales
Deadlifts: Aim for around 15 unbroken reps per set (+/155/135/95/75/55..)
Push Press: Aim for 15-20+ reps per set unbroken (+/35/25/20/15..)
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
Warm Up
2 – 3 Rounds:
10 Inchworms w/Shoulder Taps
20 Alt KB/DB Swings
:30 Reverse Plank Bridge
A1. Single Arm DB Deadlifts
4 x 8 – 10 Reps Each
A2. Bench/Couch Dips
4 x 10- 12 Reps
A3. Single Arm Weighted Hollow Hold
4 x :30ea
EMOM 12:00
A: :40 Jump Rope/Low Box Runners
B: 10ea Single Arm Suitcase Deadlifts
C: 20 Plank KB/DB Pull Throughs
D: 10ea DB Press or Push Presses
Dan Snatching at Open Gym
Photo by Sam A
CrossFit Group Class Training Template
Dates: 1.25.21-3.7.21
This training cycle will take us up to the beginning of the 2021 CrossFit Open which starts on March 11th. With that in mind, we’re going to see the reintroduction of Snatching which will take place on Fridays. We will additionally be including regular gymnastics skill work on Wednesdays with movements like bar muscle-ups, ring muscle-ups and kipping pull-ups. In the prior cycle we focused on ring dips and support strength, so we hope to carry that development into more challenging gymnastic movements. We’ll also be working in some CrossFit Open workouts throughout the cycle. There are no dedicated pulling strength days this cycle, instead pull-ups and rows will be programmed in at varying days throughout the week. Otherwise, you should expect well rounded and challenging workouts with an emphasis on joint balance, strength and longevity.
Monday: Back Squat Strength bias
Week 1: Pause 5-5-5
Week 2: Pause 3-3-3
Week 3: Pause 1-1-1
Week 4: 5-5-5
Week 5: 3-3-3
Week 6: 1-1-1
Tuesdays: Press 1
Alternating between Bench Press and Shoulder Press variations
Week 1: Shoulder Press 8-8-8
Week 2: Bench Press 8-8-8
Week 3: Shoulder Press 5-5-5
Week 4: Bench Press 5-5-5
Week 5: Shoulder Press 5-3-1
Week 6: Bench Press 5-3-1
Wednesdays: Gymnastics Skill
Varying exposures to Bar or Ring Muscle-Ups as well as Kipping pull-Ups
Thursdays: Cleans and Front Squats
We’ll focus on full cleans with or without Jerks as well as using this as a secondary Squat Strength day.
Friday: Snatches
The return of the Snatch! We’ll start with basic progressions and complexes working towards the full lift through the 6 weeks.
Saturday/Sunday: Varied
Weekends will not have dedicated movements assigned to them, rather we’ll keep it varied and as always.. “fun”.
As always, this information will live on the CrossFit Group Class Programming Template Page
Are there any days when the CFSBK @ Home classes are regularly scheduled as body weight only (no weights required) workouts?
no but we can always accommodate an equipment free version of whatever workout is posted!