Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
Virtual Yoga: 7am
Today’s Programming
Work up to a new 1RM on the Deadlift! Only go as heavy as you can move well.
3 Rounds For Time of:
24 Cal Bike
18 Kettlebell Swings
12 Ring Dips
Bike: 24 / 18
KB: (32/24/20/16)
Dips: 12 Ring Dips / 12 Banded Dips / 12 Matador Dips/ 15 Feet Elevated Bench Dips
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Ben with a great Power Clean receiving position
Register for the 2021 CrossFit Open
The 2021 CrossFit Open starts on March 11th this year and goes for three weeks. As always, we’ll be running the Open workouts in our group classes and the upcoming cycle will include some dedicated Open Prep including reintroduction of some movements like the Snatch and Ring Muscle-Ups. This year’s Open will be like no other in the past and we can’t wait to finally put an “event” on our calendar. See you in the pit!
CFSBKers Currently Registered for the Open
Eric Arbitman
Dan Conroy
Pierre Davidoff
Lizzie Donahue
Omar Francis
Michael Giordano
Thomas Hinton
Cathy Kolcun
Melissa Krakowski
Sarah McGrath
Gerry Mullany
David Osorio
Adam Pearce
Lee Savage
Charles Smith
Patrick Sullivan
Jennifer Wuotinen