CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Teens/Preteens: 4:30pm
Today’s Programming
Work up to a heavy single on the following complex:
Power Clean + Split Jerk
Use today to focus on dialing in your Split Jerk technique. Focus on consistent and stable footwork.
20:00 for Quality
6-8 Chin-Ups
8-12e 1/2 Kneeling Landmine Presses
8-12e Single Leg Landmine RDLs
Chins: Strict, use a band for assistance. If a band is too difficult perform self assisted chins or Ring Rows
LM Press: Start with your non-dominant arm to set the rep range and weight.
LM RDL: Perform with contol and balance.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
Warm Up
2 – 3 Rounds:
10 Alt Scorpion Stretches
20 Quadruped Shoulder Taps
10 NP Burpees
A1. Single Leg Crossbody RDL
4 x 8 – 10 Reps Each
A2. Bench/Couch Dips
4 x 10- 12 Reps
A3. Hollow Hold to Superman
4 x 12 – 14 Reps
AMRAP 12:00
6ea DB Hang Clean + Split Jerks
12 KB/DB Swings
12 Sit Ups
The Power Clean and Split Jerk
We’re focusing on the Split Jerk today during the strength segment. While more technical than the Push Jerk, the split jerk often allows more weight to be lifted by being less demanding on shoulder mobility and creating a wider base of support in the lower body.
Thank you to everyone who attended our Precision Nutrition panel on zoom. We had over 50 people attend! The video will be available on the blog later this week.
Why Do We Recover Front Foot First in the Split Jerk? Catalyst Athletics
A friend of mine who is a great coach Life coach has some great stuff to offer!
I Just wanted to share if anyone was interested.
She has two MINDSET classes this week to help set you up this month and this year for more positivity in your life and a direct approach to how to handle these tough times. These are small groups, and you can leave your camera off for the entire time if you like.
“20-30 min workshop + 20 min core workout, entire sessions is 60 mins with me making you laugh, smile, sweat, and feel good.”
– Monique Berarducci
– insta @moducci
This week is:
Tues 6:30pm-7:30pm
– How to daily affirm
– Your social circle
– Connecting to higher power
– Journaling
– Gratitude
– Prayer
Thurs 6:30pm-7:30pm
– Get shit done
– Manage your life
– Never give up
– What workouts do
– What workouts should you do
– What are you eating
– Sleep
– Rest
– Why if you don’t recover you are setting yourself back
Just sharing the love and supporting my peeps!
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