Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
Virtual Yoga: 7am
Workout of the Day
Strict Ring Dips
RD: Strict / Self Assisted or banded / Feet Elevated Bench Dips
“Fuck you, 2020”
AMRAP 20:20
20 Cal Row or Bike
20 Burpees
What a year ya’ll
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Farewell 2020
As the year none of us wanted or expected comes to a close, we have to look back with profound gratitude for the community who supported us through this rollercoaster. And while the rides not done yet, you all showed up for us in so many ways big and small to get us this far and keep CFSBK a safe place to go (or login to) to get a great workout, blow off some steam and see friendly (half) faces. This year more than ever, we can appreciate the power that has on all of us. So while this new years eve feels less like the end of a grand cycle and more like being stuck in a revolving door, we’re thankful to be stuck here with all you amazing people. We wish you all the absolute best in the 2021 and hope that one year from today we can hug and hive five and raise a glass to the fact that we all also survived 2021. Happy new years from CFSBK.
7 rounds and 6 cals.. I was going for 7 + 7 to bring good luck to 2021, but fell one short. Happy New Year everyone!