Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Today’s Programming:
Wide Grip Bench Press
3×6-10 reps
If you were here on Sunday, try to go heavier than the pause version.
AMRAP 16:00
20 total DB hang Power/Muscle Snatch
16 total Weighted box Step-Ups
12 Ring Push-Ups
Snatch: Athletes choice how to alternate reps on this movement. Choose a challenging but manageable load (50/40/30/20/..)
Step: Use a box height that puts your hip crease just below parallel when on top of the box. Use the same DB as the snatches for your weight and carry anyhow (hang, over shoulder, on back etc)
Push-Up: Perform a version that allows you to accumulate 12 push-ups in 1-4 sets. You may opt to do a mix of versions. 12 Ring / 6 Ring + 6 Standard / 12 Standard / 12 Incline
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
AMRAP 16:00
20 ALT DB/KB Snatches
16 V Ups or Tuck Ups
16 Alt Goblet Reverse Lunges
8 Push-Ups
Rest/Walk 5:00
AMRAP 16:00
20 ALT DB/KB Snatches
16 V Ups or Tuck Ups
16 Alt Goblet Reverse Lunges
8 Push-Ups
Welcome back Big Sean!! Sean has been out of state for the last three years and is currently spending some time in Brooklyn. Great to have you in house again!
Nutrition Panel 1/10/21
As you may have heard, Precision Nutrition Coaches Brett, Chris, Jess, Lauren, and Whit are putting together a nutrition and lifestyle panel on Sunday, Jan 10 at 11:15am. We want this to be as relevant and useful to our community as possible, so we’ve created a simple google form to gather input on what topics you’d like us to cover!
If you’re interested in attending, please take 5 min to fill out this form Nutrition Panel Questionnaire. As a thank you for doing so, we’ll send you a free resource to get you thinking about what you put on your plate! We’ll collect submissions over the course of this week and then generate content for our conversation. Thanks, and see you there!
New Colorado study claims no link between gym attendance and COVID-19 infections The Denver Post
Here’s the link to the Nutrition Panel Questionnaire mentioned above…so excited to be a part of this!
Also, SEAN!