Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6p
Today’s Programming:
Workout of the Day
A1: Barbell Bench Press
A2: RNT Reverse Goblet Lunges
3-4×10 each
BP: Keep 2-3 reps in reserve.
LG: Use a heavy Kettlebell or DB for loading and maintain tension against the band the entire time.
On a Running clock:
At the start, perform 3:00 max reps strict anchored Sit-Ups
At the 5:00 mark, perform 50 cal bike for time.
On the sit-ups, keep your hands on your opposite shoulder and minimize the amount of momentum used to complete the range of motion. On average the bike will take folks ~2-6+ minutes.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
2 – 3 Rounds:
12 Alt Bird Dogs
12 Alt Piked Toe Taps
12 Alt Lateral Lunges
5 Sets on Each Side of:
8 Single Arm Sumo Deadlift
6 Single Arm KB/DB Split Snatch
4 Single Arm KB//DB Thruster
EMOM x 12:00
1. 8 – 12 Weighted Sit Ups
2. 16 – 24 Russian Twists
3. 8 – 12 Push Ups
Physical Therapy Consultations with Coach Katie
Coach K HarpZ running Kate K through a physical therapy consult. What does a consult consist of you say?
⁃ One on one 60 min session
⁃ Full body movement assessment (passive and active)
⁃ Hands on treatment to address imbalances
⁃ Refinement of movement quality
⁃ Movement modifications/scaling options for group class (if necessary)
⁃ Follow up email summarizing assessment results, corrective exercise prescription, including 2 warmups/cooldowns specific to address limitations!
Got lingering aches and pains?
Email: to inquire!
Snow Notice
We plan on offering our normal schedule today, despite the impending snow storm. If anything changes everyone RSVP’d would get contacted directly. Note that we will likely keep the doors closed to prevent the snow from coming in. Our HEPA filters will be as always cleaning their air in the gym. Be safe out there!
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I highly recommend physical therapy with Dr Coach Katie! She has helped my shoulder so much in just two sessions. I learned how to change my movement patterns, improve strength and endurance, and increase my range of motion.
Thank you Kate!! Much apreesh <33
Excellent WODding today! Had such SBK old skool vibes, remember when 9 was a big class?, so much enthusiasm and cheering each other on! Big love to Stella for her perfect timing this morning when we had someone new attending. I introduced them when I was in my flight attendant welcome role, fun fact I was her first gym friend!, and she snagged the space next to him – and made sure to include him in her WOD cheers along with the others. What a great community we have! The energy today made me feel all fizzy.
PS: I dislike the Assault Bikes intensely and think David laughs sometimes, aka most of the time, when he’s writing the workouts.