CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am
Fit55 @ Home: 11am Fit55 Zoom Room (Password: fit55)
Today’s Programming
Front Squat
Keep 1-2 reps in reserve.
EMOM 15:00
A: 1:00 Max Double Unders
B: 10 Thrusters
C: 10 Ring Rows
JR: DU/ DU Practice / Alt 2 / Singles
THR: User choice if you’d prefer to use barbells or Dumbbells. Each set should be unbroken and uncomfortable.
RR: Adjust your body angle to make these unbroken and challenging. Don’t use momentum on the way up or down. If you were not here yesterday and would prefer to do 5-8 strict Chin-ups you can swap it in.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template (New this week!)
CFSBK @ Home
Extended Warm – Up
20 Plank Shoulder Taps
12 Air Squats
:30ea Single Arm Overhead Hold
12 Alt Table Inside Outs
AMRAP 20:00
4ea Single Arm DB/KB Thrusters
6 V Ups
24 Low Box Runners
*Count one foot for 24 Reps on the Low Box Runners.
Fit55 @ Home
Warm Up
3 rounds:
10 Alternating Standing Knee Hugs
10 Alternating Stationary Lateral Lunges
10 Tall Plank to Down Dog with Alternating Toe Touches
:20 Hip Bridge with Arms Behind Back
4-5 sets each of:
1) 5-8 Pressing Goblet Squats
2) 5-8e arm Split Stance Bent Over Rows
*Rest about :30-1:00 between exercises
10 Minutes of Continuous Effort
10 Single Arm Sumo Deadlift High Pulls Left
20 Alternating Leg Reverse Lunges
10 Single Arm Sumo Deadlift High Pulls Right
40 Jumping Janes
Front Desk OG JB during yesterdays clean complex
That video is amazing.
I loved it too!
OG JB makes everything better!
Awww! Well I think YOU make everything better, Stella!!
What a great photo! My hair is hilarious – I had no idea that pigtails could have bedhead.