Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6p
Today’s Programming:
Workout of the Day
E2MOM 16:00
3 Deadlifts
Pull three deadlifts every other minute for 8 sets. No touch and go reps.
16:00 for Quality and Load
1:00 Bike
10 Ring Rows
10 Barbell Shrugs
Bike: Should feel like a 75% effort to keep your heart rate up but not wreck you.
Shrugs: Start the shrugs at your first Deadlift warm-up weight (or above if you’re familiar with shrug weights for you) and work up as appropriate.
Ring Rows: Hold the top and bottom of each ring row for a 1 beat and avoid momentum. Feel free to play with the grip angle on these today.
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
Workout of the Day
3 Rounds of:
AMRAP 3:00
5ea Renegade Row + T Rotation
10 Hollow Rocks
Rest 1:00
AMRAP 5:00
Single Arm Manmakers
Rest 1:00
(30:00 Total time)
Welcome back Mikey!!!
3 Ways Type 1 Diabetes Changed My Life – For the Better Reebok
Mikey sighting! Pumped! Welcome back! Band is getting back together.