Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6p
Today’s Programming:
Workout of the Day
Start a running clock and at the 0, 6 and 12 minute marks perform:
3 Rounds of:
6 Deadlifts
9 Push-Ups*
27 Double Unders
Each interval of the triplet should take around 3-4 minutes or less so the workout roughly 1:1 work to rest.
*If you came yesterday you can replace Push-Ups for DB shoulder Presses
Compare to 10.29.20
Deadlifts: (54 total reps) Go medium heavy for this rep range, you should be able to pull all 6 reps unbroken ever round. Ideally its the same weight for all rounds but if you feel like you over or under shot after the first round you can adjust the load.
Push-Ups: (81 total reps) 9 Push-ups / 6 push-ups (on toes only) / 9 Inclined Push-Ups
Double Unders: (243 total reps) 27 DU / 18 DU / 27 Alt2
4-5 sets of:
A1: 10-12 Ring Rows
A2: 15-25 Sit-Ups
RR: Hold the top and bottom of each rep for a 2 count.
SU: Tasters choice on if they want to use an anchor or not
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
CFSBK @ Home
Warm Up
2 – 3 Rounds:
12 Alt Squat Thoracic Rotations
6ea Single Arm High Pulls
12 Alt Plank Toe Touches
A1. SA Bent Over DB/KB Row w/Supination
4 x 8 – 10 Reps Each
A2. 1:00 Tall Plank into AMRAP Push Ups (-2)
4 Sets
*No rest between the plank and the push ups. At the 1:00 mark go immediately in to the push ups, but save a couple of reps in the tank!
10:00 AMRAP of:
*At the 2, 4, 6 and 8 Minute mark perform 16 Sit Ups and then continue accumulating your total score of Burpees.
Dan the man with some Split Jerks
Why This Mama Loves CrossFit
Check out this throwback Huffington Post article from 2014 where CFSBKer Denise H talks about her post partum relationship with training at the gym!
“In August 2013, I started taking classes at CFSBK after getting bored with just running to stay in shape. My first group class was difficult, but I survived and continued to go back week after week. My muscles were sore, but I was having fun exercising and practicing double unders and handstands. I’m usually exhausted after each workout, but I’m almost always smiling because I feel strong and healthy, and I have spent quality time on my physical well-being. I just turned 43 in February, and I feel better than I did at 33.” Read the full article here
Awesome article, I didn’t see this when it first came around!
Miss you Denise. You’re an inspiration 🙂
Hi Fox! Thank you! I hope you and Jess are enjoying your new home base. Miss you all. Happy Holidays!
I also miss Denise.
Hi Tamson! Miss you all! Hope you’re well. Happy Holidays.