Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6p
Today’s Programming:
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Try to go a bit heavier than 11.11.20
All reps taken from a dead start
5 Rounds for quality and load of:
270m Run with a Medball
10-15 Pendlay Rows
5-10 Strict Toes to Bars
While this workout is not for time, move steadily through each of the movements at an aerobic pace and keep your heart rate up
PR: Sets can be progressive or across, as long as they’re challenging
T2B: Strict and slow. If you can’t perform a T2B, perform 5-10 hanging knee tucks with a 5 second hold at the top of each rep.
CFSBK @ Home
Workout of the Day
12:00 EMOM
1. :40 Goblet Marches
2. 8ea Single Arm Renegade Rows
3. 16 Sit Ups
4. :40 Forearm Plank
Rest 2:00
12:00 EMOM
1. :40 Wall Sit w/Hammer Curls
2. 8ea Single DB/KB Floor Press
3. 16 Russian Twists
4. :20ea Side Plank
Rest 2:00
1. 8ea Suitcase Deadlifts
2. 8ea Single Arm DB/KB High Pulls
3. 8 – 16 Supine Leg Raises
4. :40 Reverse Plank Bridge
Sam A bracing before hitting a triple at 295lbs
Sign the Community Gyms Coalition Petition
CrossFit has partnered with a variety of other boutique and community based gyms to lobby for 30 billion dollars in relief for small and medium sized gyms. On their website you can contact your local representatives in less than :30 to show your support for this important financial relief. Why do community gyms need support?
6,000 local gyms are closed already
According to Yelp, more than 6,000 fitness facilities are closed already, including 57 percent temporary closures and 43 percent permanent closures, with no end to the pandemic in sight.
Gym closure rate is 5x restaurants
The nation’s gyms and fitness facilities face higher closure rates than other hard-hit industries, like restaurants and bars, according to Yelp. Based on its respective size, the gym industry has a closure rate nearly five times the restaurant industry and one-third higher than the bar/nightclub industry.
1 in 4 gyms faces bankruptcy
Without government help, one-quarter of the 40,000 US fitness facilities could close by the end of 2020, according to an analysis by fitness industry association IHRSA.
Contact your local reps via the Community Gyms Coalition website here.
Heads up:
YOGA will be at 8AM tomorrow, not 7AM!
We can be grateful for an extra hour of sleep together… !