Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6p
Today’s Programming:
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
15 Rounds For time:
3 Deadlifts
5 Burpees
7 Sit-Ups
Total volume: 45 Deadlifts, 75 Burpees, 105 Sit-Ups
DL: Heavy but unbroken for all 15 sets (275/225/185/135/115/95/..)
BRP: Scale to squat thrusts (no push-up) if needed
3-5 Sets:
8-12e DB Bent Over Row (Bench Supported)
24 Banded Face Pulls
BOR: Hold the top and bottom of every rep for a 1 count
BFP: Controlled tempo holding the top for a 1 count
CFSBK @ Home
Warm Up
2 – 3 Rounds:
6 Alt 90/90 w/:10 Hold
12 Alt Table Inside Outs
12 Jump Squats
A1. Yoyo Squats
4 x 6 – 8 Reps
A2. CrossBody RDL
4 x 8 – 10 Reps Each
A3. Reverse Crunches
4 x 12 – 15 Reps
*A3 Scaling Option: Supine Leg Raises
10 Rounds For Time:
4 Burpees
8 Sit Ups
12 KB/DB Swings
Time Cap: 15:00
King Charles floating through Mondays Press, Kettlebell Swing, Double Under Metcon
Is Taking Vitamins An Adequate Substitute For Eating Rhino Horns?
charles floating gently
a butterfly of fitness
laws of gravity
Fly, King Charles, fly
On the road to victory
Fly, King Charles, fly
Double unders, one-two-three
[Today’s workout was so fun!]
Well done, Stella. Fitness approves of this homage to King Charles.
a noble visage
powered by swift wings
a reminder
we are all
charles, son of philly
a phanatic would approve
of your graceful phlight
He clasps the handles with callused hands;
Close to the heater with his workout plans,
Ring’d with sweat, lo, he stands in dry land.
The knobby mat beneath him fades;
As he bounds higher than the flames of Hades,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.
But like the sun, he rises.
wow, loving the poetry.