CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Teens/Preteens: 4:30pm
Today’s Programming
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Pause Back Squat
Work up to a heavy pause triple. See if you can match your heavy 5s from last week.
AMRAP 14:00
8 Shoulder Presses
16 H2H Kettlebell Swings
32 Double Unders
Compare to 9.2.20, aim for 5+ rounds
SP: Strict, taken out of rack. Choose a load where you can do the early sets unbroken but may need to break it into two sets as you fatigue.
KB: All sets should be unbroken but feel heavy.
DU: 32DU/16DU/32Alt2/64 Singles
CFSBK @ Home
Warm Up
3 – 4 Rounds of:
7ea Worlds Greatest Stretch
10 Scapular Push Ups
10 NP Burpees
:15 Reverse Plank Bridge
Every 1 min for 30 mins do:
5ea Single Arm Bent Over Row
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
*If you have a pull up bar at home, you can perform the workout as 5 Pull Ups; 10 Push Ups; 15 Air Squats
One of our primary goals at CFSBK is to create a space that’s warm, inclusive, and inviting to people of all backgrounds and abilities. Over the past 13 years, we’ve been fortunate enough to have worked with thousands of individuals who have trusted us with their fitness and safety. We don’t take that for granted. We are so grateful to everyone who has given us a chance whether it be for a single workout or years of regular training at the gym. This summer, in the wake of George Floyd’s murder, the Black Lives Matter movement, and the subsequent fallout in CrossFit due to former CEO Greg Glassman’s egregious response to it all, everyone had to take a step back. In doing so, CFSBK had to reevaluate who we were, what we do, and what kind of space we have curated. Even after over a decade in business, CFSBK is a continual work in progress. This year, more than ever has shown us how much more work is needed to show up for each other, particularly marginalized communities.
While much time, effort, and energy has been directed at rebuilding our business operations and membership base after a 5-month closure due to the pandemic, we recognized that we could and should still be doing more on this front. A few months ago, after some internal discussions and debate regarding my decision to return to CrossFit affiliation post Eric Roza’s purchase of the company, one of our employees, Christine Williams really stood out as someone with deep care and concern for these issues. We realized this was an opportunity to elevate her within our organization to help CFSBK live up to the ideals we strive for. Christine has been working behind the scenes over the past couple of months, establishing relationships with local organizations, doing teacher training for an upcoming movement, and mindfulness class we’ll be offering to the BIPOC community and helping us continue to expand and evolve who and what CFSBK is.
One important first step we realized was to first ask our own community both current and former how they’ve experienced our space as it relates to their identity. This can be interactions with members, staff, or just how being one of the only “X” has affected them in our space and where we could do better. The intake form we created is inclusive of race, ethnicity, size, ability, gender, age, or any other variable of your identity that you bring with you as you enter our gym. Below is a link to the Diversity and Inclusion Intake Form where you can share your own experiences and help us potentially shine a light on any blind spots we might have, address any interactions of note (both positive and negative), and let us know if we’re really living up to our Statement of Inclusion and Anti-Oppression. We’ll take this feedback and discuss it internally as staff along with some additional sensitivity training we have planned and use it as a valuable tool to make sure we’re steering the ship in the right direction. We appreciate the time any and all take to provide feedback and thank you in advance for your candor and honesty.
CFSBK Diversity and Inclusion Intake Form
Christine is an awesome staff member! And I am thrilled to hear about the work that she and the gym are doing on inclusion. I’m proud to be a member of CFSBK.
Christine is a bright light who belongs in the driver’s seat with this, right where she is. Happy to see the work beginning and excited to see where it goes.
Also FWIW – I’m really glad I scaled today’s at-home workout to ONLY 630 reps, instead of 1050… 😬
Love working with Christine as well as having her as a friend! I hope a bunch of people will fill out the form which would be good to have a conversation going within our community!
* We should not be able to identify someone’s gender based on physical appearance. We should politely wait until we are told by the individual. So, please purge the gym of all toxic heteronormatives perpetuating gender stereotypes.
* Another welcome improvement would be certain times set aside for people of color to enjoy their workouts with each other. Segregated sessions is but one step we can take to atone for white supremacy.