CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am
Fit55 @ Home: 11am Fit55 Zoom Room (Password: fit55)
Today’s Programming
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Shoulder Press
Work up through a heavy 5, 3 and 1 rep range on the shoulder press. Only go as heavy as you can maintain good form and control with. Focus on a tight trunk to prevent hyper-extending your back on the difficult reps.
AMRAP 12:00
24 Double Unders
12 alt Front Rack Reverse Lunges
12 Burpees
Doubles: 24DU / 12DU / 24 alt 2 / 42 Singles
Lunges: Should be done in one unbroken set every round.
Burpees: If you came on Wednesday and not yesterday you can sub 8 kipping pull-ups with the normal scaling options. You’ll just have to take the bar off the floor unless you’re doing self assisted chins.
CFSBK @ Home
Warm Up
2 – 3 Rounds:
12 Alt Squat Thoracic Rotations
6 Inchworms w/Shoulder Taps
6ea Side Plank Rotations
A1. Goblet Squats
4 x 6 – 8 Reps @31×1
A2. RFE Single Leg RDL
4 x 8 – 10 Reps Each
A3. Hollow Rocks
4 x 12 – 15 Reps
AMRAP 12:00
24 Jumping Jacks
6ea Lateral Lunge + KB/DB Clean
12 Tuck Ups
Fit55 @ Home
3 Rounds:
6e Stationary Lateral Lunges
6e Single Arm Shoulder External Rotations
6 Tall Plank to Low Plank
4-5 sets each of:
1) 6-8e Single Arm Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
2) 6-8e Turkish Sit Ups
*Rest about :30-1:00 between exercises
Interval Conditioning Circuit
5 Rounds of 30s Work / 30s Rest
1) Seated Knee Tucks
2) Squats
3) Jumping Janes
Rotating through the work stations, aim to work at a challenging pace on each station.
We are deeply saddened to announce that CFSBKer Christian Brink passed away this week in a car accident. Christian had been a member since 2014 and most recently (Feb) been active in coach Jeremy’s Strength Cycle. Christian was always a pleasure to have around the gym and a friend to all. He was the co founder of Audm which was recently purchased by the New York Times and is survived by his wife and young daughter. We’ll miss you, Christian.
Pretty devastated to wake up to this news, such a terrible loss as 2020 just keeps hitting us. Christian was a really funny, witty, sweet and super brilliant guy who I enjoyed discussing current events/politics with. Just a great presence in general. Love and Condolences to his family.
This is terrible news. I’m really saddened to read this. Christian and I used to often talk when I used to do my open gym work in 608. We had some very interesting discussions about mass incarceration, Christianity (he loaned me a book on modern Christian theology, which I enjoyed reading very much – we talked about metaphorical versus literal interpretations of the Bible), and many other topics. He would often comment on my blog posts and we had some great discussions as a result. He was always very gentle in his interactions, ready to listen. I lost a bit of contact with him when our schedules changed but would catch glimpses of him on social media once in a while.
RIP Christian. Condolences to his family at this very difficult hour.
This is awful news. I remember having the rack next to his in strength cycle, such a sweet man. Condolences to his family.
Oh no, how awful. My condolences to his family
Condolences his family! 🙏🏽 My prayers for his wife and daughter.
This is brutal. Was in a number of Strength Cycles with Christian. Such a kind, good person. Wife, young child; just had a successful exit of the start up he worked so hard on. Everything looking up. Hug your loved ones. Christian, you’ll be missed.
So devastated to hear of Christian’s too-soon departure. I have great memories of our conversations during open gym at 608 years ago. Christian was a kind soul – funny, and always super interesting to chat with. Sending my love and condolences to his family.
What sad news. I really enjoyed the strength cycles I had with Christian, occasionally sharing the rack and spending (probably too much time) chatting about whatever was going on. My heart goes out to his family.
Such sad news about Christian and such a loss for his family. As many are doing, I’ve been thinking of conversations I had the pleasure of having with him over the years, of his knowledge and gentle approach. I’ll remember as a reflective man, strong in body, mind and spirit.
Condolences to your family, Christian. You’ll be missed.
Oh this is bad. Christian and I were rack-mates a lot and the deep dives we would have on (fill in the blank … you name it, Black Sabbath, legos, theology, Belushi, bar math) were beyond fun. He was a bit mystical, conservative, but freaky too. Just perfect in retrospect.
He was a super lifting partner, watched the reps and made them fun. Super sad. Crying some! Dammit.
Tom, I remember some of those cycles. This is terrible.