CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am
Fit55 @ Home: 11am Fit55 Zoom Room (Password: fit55)
Today’s Programming
20:00 / 4-5 Rounds for Quality & Load:
12-16 Reps DB Bench Press
16-20 Unbroken Heavy Wall Ball Shots (or Kettlebell Swings)
20 Weighted Anchored Sit-Ups
Move at a steady pace and increase the load on each movement as appropriate.
Bench P: You should only have 1-2 reps in reserve left on the bench press. With dumbbells that means this should get very hard! If your form falls off however, stop the set and decrease the load if you’re not getting at least 12 reps.
Wall Ball: Use a heavier medicine ball than you typically do, even if you have to hit a lower target. Medballs go up to 30lbs. If you came yesterday and want less squat volume sub heavy Kettlebell swings in, try to swing a bell you’ve never touched before!
Sit-Ups: Use the Bench Press DBs to anchor your feet on. Use a gomat, . Maintain tension and extension and don’t relax at the bottom.
A1: RFE Split Squat
1:00 Max Double Unders or jump rope practice (doing JR Wednesday)
Jog 130m (running Thursday)
RFESS: aka bulgarian split squat. Load with a DB held at the hang on the same side as your back leg. You can use your upright for some balance and set-up assistance.
A2: Choose a movement based on which day you won’t be coming, or just what you’d prefer.
CFSBK @ Home
Workout of the Day
5 Rounds for Time of:
40 (20ea) Single Arm Overhead Lunges
30 Gate Swings
20 (10ea) Single Arm DB/KB Thrusters
10 Push Ups
Time Cap: 40:00
Fit55 @ Home
3 Rounds:
12 Alternating Standing Knee Hugs
6 Tall Plank to Down Dog Shin Taps
6 Reverse Bridge Plank Ups
4-5 sets each of:
1) 4-5e Single Leg Chair Squats, or 8-10 Goblet Squats
2) 5-10 Chair Dips
*Rest about :30-1:00 between exercises
10 Minutes of Continuous Effort:
5 Inchworms
10 Alternating Mountain Climbers
10e Single Arm Bent Over Rows
Aim to work at a challenging pace with minimal transition time between exercises.
Liz and Zelda enjoying a belly rub on a beautiful day
25th & 26th Month – (Watermelon & Banana Feeding Frenzy) NO filter, NO CO2, NO Ferts 5 Gallon Nano
Zelda is KYOOT! So glad there are still a few staff dogs to love on while the pandemic drags on.