CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am
Fit55 @ Home: 11am Fit55 Zoom Room (Password: fit55)
Today’s Programming
CrossFit Group Class Programming Template
Push Press
Work up through a heavy 5, 3 and 1 on the push press.
AMRAP 15:00
50 Double Unders
5 DB Hang Muscle Snatches (L)
10 OH Reverse Lunges (L)
5 DB Hang Muscle Snatches (R)
10 OH Reverse Lunges (R)
Aim for 4-6 Rounds on this workout.
DU: 50 Du / 30 DU / 50 Alt2 / 100 SU
DB: Heavy! (+/50/35/25/15/..) If OH mobility prevents you from carrying a heavy load on the lunges perform these as a front rack or suitcase carry for the lunges.
3 Rounds:
10 DB Lying Triceps Extensions
5e Wrap Around Pistols
CFSBK @ Home
Warm – Up
2 – 3 Rounds:
8 alt 90/90
8 Alt Scorpion Stretch
8ea Side Plank Rotations
5 Sets on Each Side of:
10 Single Arm KB/DB Swings
8 Single Arm KB/DB Hang Snatches
6 Single Arm Contralateral Reverse Lunge Thrusters
4 Single Arm Bent Over Rows
Tabata 1:
V Ups or Tuck Ups
Tabata 2:
Single Arm Renegade Rows
*Alternate arms each round
Tabata 3:
Diamond Push Ups
Fit55 @ Home
3 Rounds:
5e Standing Single Leg Raises
5e Side Bridge Clamshells
5 Prone YTWs
4-5 sets each of:
1) 10 Goblet Good Morning + Row
2) 5-10 Push Ups
*Rest about :30-1:00 between exercises
Interval Conditioning Circuit
5 Rounds
On a 2:00 running clock perform:
10 Thrusters (or 5e Single Arm)
20 Swings
Tall Plank hold until the 2:00 mark
Rest 1:00 between rounds
After over three years at CFSBK yesterday was Erika M’s last class at CFSBK before moving to NJ. We’ll miss youuuuuuuu!
PreTeens and Teens class in the park this weekend!
Good Morning Parents and Carers!
We’ll be meeting at the handball courts in Thomas Greene Playground located all the way at the far end at Nevins street. Please note that there are no bathrooms available. Please make sure kids arrive and are picked up on time.
What to bring/protocol:
Kids should bring a water bottle, a yoga mat if they have access to one, and a face mask.
Covid Safety:
We are committed to the safety of everyone attending any in-person instruction. We’ve capped the class at 12 and chosen a location that will allow for ample distancing depending on what else is going on in the park. We ask that kids bring and be prepared to train in their masks. The gym will also provide hand sanitizer and plenty of cleaning products for the equipment.
Congrats again Erika M!!! Can’t wait to see pics of the lil one!! Will miss you and Mena at CFSBK!! Good luck with the move XOXO
Erika! So glad I got to see you this week before you move to the Jerz! You’re a strong AF lady and you’ll be one hell of a role model to your bambino <3
Best of luck on your move to NJ. Come back and visit us often!