Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 10am
Today’s Programming
C Day: Clean & Jerks / Squats / Overhead Strength
Partner METCON
Working with a partner, and with only one person working at a time, complete 12 rounds total (6 rounds each) of the following couplet.
12 Rounds for Time:
5 Clean and Jerks
10 Burpees over the Bar
Each person will stay in their station with their own barbell and trade off work with their partner in an adjacent station.
C+J: This should be heavy enough to make you do this as steady singles.
Burpees: Scale to no Push-Up Burpees if needed
A1: Seated DB Press (2 arm)
A2: Seated Theraband Reverse Flys
CFSBK @ Home
Warm – Up
12 alt 90/90
12 Alt Scorpion Stretch
6ea Side Plank Rotations
4 Rounds of:
:40 Work/:20 Rest
1. Jumping Jacks
2. Bear Plank Shoulder Taps
3. :20ea DB/KB Overhead Hold
4. Candle Sticks or Lying Leg Raises
5 Sets on Each Side of:
10 Single Arm KB/DB Swings
8 Single Arm KB/DB Hang Snatches
6 Single Arm Contralateral Reverse Lunge Thrusters
4 Single Arm Bent Over Rows
[2016] Coaches Jess, Chris, David, Katie Whitney and Brett get into the spirit at Fight Gone Bad 2016
The Complicated World of Staten Island We are not divided
Stella — your crossword creation today has stumped me!
Thank you for trying it!