CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am
Fit55 @ Home: 11am Fit55 Zoom Room (Password: fit55)
Today’s Programming
C Day: Clean & Jerks / Squats / Overhead Strength
A1: Shoulder Press
A2: Cyclist Back Squats
Use the same Barbell for both movements. You could go light on the squats and do the same weight you’re pressing, or you can add weight.
For Time:
30 Clusters
Starting at zero and at every minute mark there on, perform 5 burpees
This workout should take 8-12 minutes
Clusters: Go medium heavy on this. After the burpees, you should be able to perform about 3-4 clusters in the remaining time. (155/135/115/95/75)
Burpees: 5 Burpees / 5 Squat thrusts / 3 Burpees
CFSBK @ Home
EMOM 30:00
1. 3 – 5 Wall Walks (or 20 Piked Shoulder Taps)
2. 6ea Single Arm DB/KB Cluster
3. :20ea Side Plank
4. 12 DB Glute Bridges
5. :40 Burpees
A1. Single DB Skull Crushers
4 x 12 – 16 Reps
A2. Single DB Bicep Curls
4 x 12 – 16 Reps
*If the weight is light, you can perform both movements as single arm exercises.
Fit55 @ Home
3 Rounds:
4e Stationary Lateral Sit Backs
4 Crawl Steps Forward
4 Crawl Steps Backward
8 Seated Knee Tucks
4-5 sets each of:
1) 8 Alternating Tall Kneel to Standing
2) 8e Bent Over Rows
3) 8 Reverse Bridge Plank Ups
*Rest about :30-1:00 between exercises
10 Minutes of Continuous Effort:
20 Forward Leaning High Knees
10 Squats
10e Single Arm Push Presses
Aim to work continuously at a moderate pace, resting only as needed between exercises.
Melissa and Worm on yesterday’s Metcon
Stella’s Puzzle in NYTs
Stella Z has written another crossword puzzle for the NYTs!
I have another puzzle coming out in the New York Times on Halloween! That’s my fourth puzzle in the Times this year and I’m pretty stoked about that. As per the uzh with Saturday puzzles, it will be hard but I hope lots of SBKers try it anyway!
The Difference Between Feeling Safe and Being Safe The Atlantic
Congratulations to Stella! Huge accomplishment to keep getting these crosswords published in the NYT!