CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Teens/Preteens: 4:30pm
Today’s Programming
Week 1/4 – A Day: T&G Deadlift / Horizontal Push / Shoulders
EMOM 15:00
A: 10 T&G Deadlift
B: 15 DB Bench Press
C: Rest
5 Sets of each exercise. Because both movements are on the higher rep range, stamina and conditioning will come into play as the workout progresses.
DL: Touch and go deadlifts tap the floor at the bottom of each rep as opposed to conventional deadlifts which reset at the on the floor between reps. Use a moderate heavy weight and focus on perfect technique and controlled cycling. Aim for 3-5 weight jumps through the EMOM.
DBBP: Choose a weight that challenges you for 15 reps. Okay if later rounds need to be broken up into 2 sets.
18:00 / 3-5 Sets:
8-10e Supported Single Leg Dumbbell RDLs
16-20 Seated Dumbbell Lateral Raises
20-30 Band Triceps Extensions
RDL: Hold the dumbbell in the arm opposite of the working leg. Hold onto an upright with the free arm to help guide your balance.
LR: Go for an unbroken and challenging sets. Hold the top and bottom of each rep for a one count.
BTE: Move quickly but control your lockout. Try to make this sting toward the end.
CFSBK @ Home
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
12 Alt Squat Thoracic Rotations
6ea Single Arm High Pulls
12 Alt Plank Toe Touches
A1. SA Bent Over DB/KB Row w/Supination
4 x 8 – 10 Reps Each
A2. 1:00 Tall Plank into AMRAP Push Ups (-2)
4 Sets
*No rest between the plank and the push ups. At the 1:00 mark go immediately in to the push ups, but save a couple of reps in the tank!
15:00 AMRAP
6ea Single Arm DB/KB Spilt Cleans
6ea Single Arm DB/KB Push Press
12 Air Squats

Toni does her “21’s” (7 bottom 1/2 ROM curls + 7 top 1/2 ROM curls + 7 full ROM curls)
New Training Cycle Starts Today
The new training cycle will last 4 weeks from Monday October 5th to Sunday November 1st. Like the prior cycle it will rotate a 4 day movement split as detailed below. The specific dates each day will fall on can be found at the link at the top of the programming.
A Day: T&G Deadlift / Horizontal Push / Shoulders
Most strength work this cycle will be an alternating EMOM of touch-and-go Deadlifts, DB Pressing and rests. The assistance work afterwards will be biased towards some bodybuilding style assistance work for chest & shoulders as well as some other single leg or dynamic hinging.
B Day: Single Leg Squat / Upper Body Pulling
Lower body strength will bias single leg strength through lunge and step-up variants. Upper body pulling strength, both vertical and horizontal will be programmed into B days as well.
C Day: Clean & Jerks / Squats / Overhead Strength
Regular inclusion of Clean and Jerk variants, sometimes with the squat being included as full cleans. On top of dynamic barbell overhead pressing (jerks/push presses) there will be single arm overhead strength elements included into workouts.
D Day: Upright Rows / Curls
Strength superset of upright rows and curl variants followed by a metcon with a pulling/hinging bias.