Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6p
Today’s Programming:
Work up to a heavy but technically sound triple. Dead starts, no touch and go.
AMRAP 20:00
5 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Deadlifts
15 Calorie Row
Aim for around 5 Rounds.
Pull: 5 Strict / 5 Banded / 5 Self Assisted
DL: 1-2 sets per round (+/ 225/185/155/135/115/-)
CFSBK @ Home
Warm Up
12 ALT Scorpion Stretch
6 x 2 Steps FWD/2 Steps BKWD Bear Crawl
6 x Yoga Push Ups
A1. Half Kneeling Arnold Press
4 x 6 – 8 Reps Each
A2. DB Elbowing Row
4 x 8 – 10 Reps Each
A3. Side Plank Knee Lifts
4 x 12 – 15 Reps Each
3 x Tabata (:20 on / :10 off x8)
Rest 1:00 Between Tabatas
Tabata 1
Mountain Climbers
Tabata 2
Single Arm Overhead Hold
*alternate rounds between left and right
Tabata 3
Single Arm NP Renegade Rows
*alternate rounds between left and right
Camille C Power Cleans
Don’t forget to fill out our 2020 Feedback Form! We want to know what you think!
Funds are still trickling into our “Education Front Line” fundraiser benefiting Operation Backpack! We are currently at $2,334 raised for kids in need! Thank you!!!
Samir C on two recent Podcasts
Check out CFSBKer Samir C who recently did two podcasts which we would love to share with the community.
This one is The Philosophy of Anxiety
And another on How Psychedelics Can Affect Mental Health
Check them out!
So much pulling OMG!
Worked up to 230 on the deadlifts. 225 used to be my starting point for a new cycle, not the endpoint or near endpoint! Humble pie, cause that was HEAVY.