Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 10am
Today’s Programming
EMOM 13:00
1 Power Clean
Work up to a heavy but technically sound single. If you’re feeling good try to make lots of small consistent jumps.
AMRAP 20:00
400m Run
13 Kipping Pull-Ups
13 Deadlifts
Run: Fast!
Pull: 13 Kip/8 Kip/8 Strict/8 Self Assisted
Should take you 1-3 sets per round.
DL: (+ / 225 / 185 / 155 / 115 / 95 / -)
Should be a weight you could possibly do unbroken fresh but will want to break into 2-3 mini sets in the workout
CFSBK @ Home
AMRAP 20:00
SA DB Hang Power Clean
SA DB Push Press
This workout is dedicated to our educators! Read the full write up on yesterday’s post and if you can, take a moment to donate to Operation Backpack which has the goal of providing brand new backpacks and grade-specific school supplies to children living in homeless and domestic violence shelters throughout NYC.
Round 1: 1 Left arm Clean, 1 Left arm FSQ, 1 Left arm PP, 1 Right arm Clean, 1 Right arm FSQ, 1 Right arm PP
Round 2: 2 Left arm Cleans, 2 Left arm FSQs, 2 Left arm PPs, 2 Right arm Cleans, 2 Right arm FSQs, 2 Right arm PPs
Today is CFSBK’s 13th Birthday! We think it totally appropriate that this anniversary falls on 2020.
(Logo design by Cam C)
2020 CrossFit Games: 3:52 Friendly Fran: Women’s Event 1 Winner Tia Toomey
Please, please, please put that design on a shirt!