CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am
Fit55 @ Home: 11am Fit55 Zoom Room (Password: fit55)
Today’s Programming
EMOM 12:00
A: 8 Touch and Go Deadlifts
B: :30 Max reps Alternating 2 Step
6 sets of each movement. Weight on the bar should go up, technique permitting.
If you did yesterday’s programming and don’t want to jump rope again perform a :30 plank
DL: Perform these as one unbroken set with a light touch on the ground. Focus on a controlled and deliberate descent each rep.
JR: Count one leg as a rep. Alt 2 steps at speed can be just as hard, if not harder than double-unders.
20:00 Circuit of:
6 Strict or 12 Kipping Pull-Ups
12 DB DB Curls
1:00 max cals Air Bike
Perform the three movements in quick succession then rest as needed before going again. Attempt to get 5+ Rounds Within the 20:00 window.
Pull-Ups: You can perform kipping or strict pull-ups. Strict scaling options: 6 strict / 6 banded /8 Self Assisted
Curls: Chase the PUMP
Bike: Intensity should increase each round. Perform the first round at what feels like 80% intensity, this should be very unpleasant.
CFSBK @ Home
20:00 EZ Pace
5 Single Arm Turkish Sit – Ups (Right)
3 Turkish Get Ups (Right)
5 Single Arm Turkish Sit – Ups (Left)
3 Turkish Get Ups (Left)
10 NP Burpees
10ea Single Arm KB/DB Swings
:30 Goblet Wall Sit w/Pulse
A1. Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
A2. Single Arm Gorilla Row
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
Fit55 @ Home
3 Rounds:
10 Alternating Stationary Lateral Lunges
10 Supine Leg Raises
10 Prone Cobras
4-5 sets each of:
1) 8e Goblet Reverse Lunges
2) 8e Overhead Presses
3) 16 Alternating Shoulder Taps
*Rest about :30-1:00 between exercises
12 Minutes of Continuous Effort:
6 No-Push Up Burpees
9e Single Arm Swings
12 Squats
Hi friends! Been feeling unmotivated and felt like I needed to mix up my training, so today was day 2 of following the SBK @ Home programming. Thank you for helping me get back on track—and feel connected to my beloved Brooklyn crew from all the way out here in LA <3
Thought it'd help me to hold myself accountable if I got back into my former habit of posting my work, so:
Metcon: 4 rounds + 10 situps + 5 TGUs. Haven't done TGUs in ages and it showed. Started with a 25# DB…quickly dropped down to a 10#. Definitely could have done at least 15-20# but it was EZ pace, so…
SA swings are tricky with these old-school adjustable DBs I have, but my only normal DB is a 10#, so I kept up with the chill theme of the day and used that for the swings and wall sit. Just felt good to move around.
Deadlifts: 2×10 @ 30#, 1×12 @ 40#
Rows: 2×10 @ 30#, 1×12 @ 30#
…Then a 5-min meditation to close it out this morning 🙂
Good to be "back!"
Yay, Kirby!
And yay, Connie!
Don’t call it a comeback!!! Kirbasaurus Rex back in the house!