CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
Active Recovery: 10am
Today’s Programming
16:00 / 4+ sets:
10e Single Arm Suitcase Deadlift
10e Bench Supported DB or KB Rows
20 Supine Leg Lifts
DL: Done with a Kettlebell or Farmer’s handle. Medium/heavy weight, focus on trunk stability.
Rows: plant one hand and knee on your bench and row with the free arm
SLL: Head, shoulders and heels stay off ground. Controlled tempo, add a hip lift at the top if you can.
AMRAP 14:00
14 Alternating DB Muscle Snatches
14 Box Jumps
14 Cal Bike
DBS: Focus on proper hinging mechanics
BJ: (24″/20″/16″/12″)
Bike: Sub to 12 cals to reduce volume or perform a 270m Run
Running into the new week
2019 photo by: Aaron Weiss