CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am
Fit55 @ Home: 11am Fit55 Zoom Room (Password: fit55)
Today’s Programming
EMOM 15:00
1-3 Power Cleans
Start the EMOM with doubles or triples and gradually move to heavier weights and singles.
AMRAP 12:00
6 Kipping Pull-Ups
12 Kettlebell Swings
18 Anchored Sit-Ups
PULL: 6 Kipping/3-6 strict/6 Banded/6 Self Assisted/8 Jumping Pull-Ups
KB: Heavy swing, face height
SIT: Keep hands on opposite shoulder
CFSBK @ Home
2-3 Rounds:
6 Prone Snow Angels
12 Alt Reverse Lunges
12 Quadruped Shoulder Taps
6 Hand – Release Push Ups
A1. Pistols (or RFE Split Squat)
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
A2. Handstand Push Ups (or SA Press/PP)
3 x 5 – 15 Reps
EMOM x 16:00 (4 Rounds)
A. 16 Alt NP Renegade Rows
B. 16 Sit Ups
C. :40 Low Box Runners
D. :20ea Side Plank
Fit55 @ Home
3 Rounds:
6e Stationary Lateral Lunges
6e Single Arm High Pulls
6 Tall Plank to Low Plank
4-5 sets each of:
1) 6-8e Single Arm Sumo Deadlifts
2) 6-8e Turkish Sit Ups
*Rest about :30-1:00 between exercises
Interval Conditioning Circuit
5 Rounds of 30s Work / 30s Rest
1) Sit Ups
2) Squats
3) Jumping Janes
Rotating through the work stations, aim to work at a challenging pace on each station.
Coach Victoria judging the 2017 Subway Series. This team had a really dialed in work/rest strategy
We passed out Dept of Health Inspection for 597! 608 today!
Would it be possible to have the virtual programming line up with the gym programming so that an A day at the gym is also an A day at home? I ask because many of us are mixing classes at SBK with classes on Zoom and might run into similar workouts spaced one day apart, like yesterday’s squat-press emphasis at the gym and today’s squat-press emphasis at home.