Virtual Class Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6p
Today’s Programming:
Pause Back Squat
Work up to three moderately challenging sets of 8-10 reps. First day back, so focus on getting comfortable under a barbell again and re grooving the movement pattern.
AMRAP 14:00
8 Shoulder Presses
16 Kettlebell Swings
32 Double Unders
SP: Strict, taken out of rack. Choose a load where you can do the early sets unbroken but may need to break it into two sets as you fatigue.
KB: All sets should be unbroken
DU: 32DU/16DU/32Alt2/64 Singles
CFSBK @ Home
20:00 EZ Pace
3 – 6ea Windmills
10 Burpees
:30ea Overhead Carry/Hold
20 Lateral Shuffle
A1. 1 x Goblet Squat @2221+ 2 x ALT Reverse Lunges
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
A2. Push-Ups
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
*For A1: 1 Rep = 1 Squat and 2 Lunges
NO DB or KB for the squats?
Fill a backpack and hold it sandbag style!
Cash Out
4 x 20ea Calf Raises
Welcome Back.
Training Notes
After almost half a year being away from the gym, your return to in house training should be a gradual one. Keep the loads and intensity of your first workouts conservative and listen to your body along the way. Unless you’ve been able to train with barbells and a variety of implements, we recommend you come in with the sole expectation of moving well and checking the box for hitting your workout. If you’re not used to masked training, this too will affect your respiration and pace. Take breaks as needed practice intentional breathing patterns while at the gym.
For those of you signed up for CrossFit sessions, we will be providing recommended workouts that cycle the 4 day split detailed below. Each day’s programming will provide a well rounded total body workout with particular movement plane biases to keep things balanced. Every 4 days the pattern will repeat itself so the weekday which they fall on will rotate.
A Day
Squat Day 1: Barbell Back and Front Squats. Mostly staying in the 5-10 rep range.
Overhead Press: Barbell Press and Push Pressing with some occasional variations.
Double Unders: Most workouts will feature Jump Rope variations
B Day
Hinging: Deadlifts and Sumo Deadlifts, occasionally some power cleans.
Pull-Ups: Mostly strict pull-ups with some kipping later on.
C Day
Squat Day 2: A second squat day with more variance in exercise selection. Full cleans will be a regular movement selection.
Horizontal Pressing: Bench Press and Wide Grip Bench press varitions staying mostly in the 8-10 rep range. Higher volume push-up workouts will be regular parts of the metcons.
D Day
Horizontal Pulling: Barbell and DB Rows or Ring Rows
Trunk: A variety of trunk strength and stability exercises.
Metcon Bias: Longer low skill workouts
Thank you so much DO and company for creating a safe and clean environment in which to grunt.
It was amazing to be under the bar.
So grateful, as the yogi kids say
thanks for the details- do the Zen planner weeks start Sunday or Monday for class signups?
Unpopular? opinion. The week starts on MONDAY. Not Sunday. Sunday is the END of the week. the week ennnddd. This is an ongoing debate as you might surmise.
Team Monday starts the week. Amazing to be back. Thank you DO xoxo
Team Sunday here! and I’m right.
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