CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am
Fit55 @ Home: 11am Fit55 Zoom Room (Password: fit55)
Today’s Programming
CFSBK @ Home
Workout of the Day
7 Rounds of :40 Work/:20 Rest
1. Air Squats
2. Zombie Sit – Ups
3. Tuck Jumps
4. :20ea Side Plank Rotations
5. Lunges
6. Plank Hip Taps
Fit55 @ Home
3 Rounds:
5 Squat w/Thoracic Rotations
:20 Active Chest Stretch
5 Plank Up-Downs
4-5 sets each of:
1) 6 Alternating Goblet Tall Kneel to Standing
2) 6e Side Plank Powell Raises
*Rest about :30-1:00 between exercises
7 Minutes of Continuous Effort:
7 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls Left
7 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls Right
7 Goblet Squats
14 Prone Mountain Climbers
Aim to work at a pretty good clip today with minimal transition time between exercises. This one should be hard.
Wear a mask you must
5 Months and 2 Weeks Later
After 5 months and 2 weeks of closure, tomorrow we’ll finally be able to open our gates and welcome back the CFSBK community. During a pandemic, a time of economic insecurity and of civil unrest, the collective generosity of you all was paramount in getting us here. To go from a thriving small business to shuttered indefinitely overnight was a jarring transition; one that forced many permanent closures throughout the city. Although our facilities were closed, the CFSBK community and staff never stopped showing up. Through zoom and park classes, remote training, trivia nights and town halls, on social media and the blog, we were able to stay connected. We’re beyond moved and grateful for all the engagement and support over these long 5 months. While things will be a bit different for a while, with steadfast responsibility to the safety of ourselves and each other, we’re optimistic that the “new normal” will become a thing of the past.
We also want to acknowledge the CFSBK staff, who despite having limited resources and a severely impeded ability to generate income for themselves stayed professional, focused and prioritized the health and wellness of their clients and athletes above all else.
As mentioned, tomorrow is just the start of another chapter in the ongoing book of 2020. We’re not out of the woods yet, but are excited to show you all this new incarnation of CFSBK. We’ve worked tirelessly to get the facilities as well as our programs and protocols together to offer you the same world class training you expect in a SAFE and fun environment. But we need your help to further refine our services. We want your ongoing feedback so that we can adapt and evolve over time. Can’t ever get into a certain class? Tell us by waitlisting or posting a comment. Confused about a protocol? Tell us and we’ll explain or revise it. We’re watching the numbers over these first couple weeks and will adjust to the best of our abilities. As we survey how certain class times populate, we’ll reintroduce some park classes to help offer more options during higher-volume times as well as reassess the OG offerings to keep those folks with a schedule that works for us all.
Can’t wait to see you all tomorrow!
Equipment Drop off Today is from 11am-12pm
What do I need to do before I come to the gym?
- Make sure you RSVP ahead of time.
- Check the location of your training session (597 or 608) and report directly to that building. 597 folks queue up on the yellow line by the Front Desk, 608 folks queue up on the black lines in front of the former fencing studio.
- As you come in, there will be a QR code posted which your phone’s camera can read to pull up your health questionnaire. This process takes about :20
- Disinfect your hands at the stations provided
- A staffer will take your temperature, check your questionnaire confirmation and assign you a training station
- Party time.
- At 10 minutes to the end of the session a staffer will initiate and oversee the clean-up and transition out of the building.
Don’t worry, we got you!
Thank you DO for keeping things going through these crazy times! Can’t wait for 7 AM class on Thursday!
Thank you for the body weight workouts the last two days! I now have no excuse not to workout on vacations…today’s was particularly exhausting!
Wanted to share with anyone interested that we bought 25# and 35# dumbbells on Craigslist. They are brand new, Ignite brand. Mel came and dropped them off nearby our apartment and everything! If you are interested, here’s the listing
5 months and 2 weeks, wow. Thanks so much to David, the coaches, and the staff for everything during the closure; and all the prep for the reopening.
What’s lighter than a PVC pipe? Asking for a friend.
So happy for you guys… finally! Wish I could be there to work out in person.