CFSBK Zoom Room (Password: CFSBK)
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Yoga: 10am
Teens/Preteens: 4:30pm
CFSBK @ Home
Warm – Up
6 Bootstraps
6 Good Mornings
12 Alt Plank T’s
A1. Kang Squat
3 x 5 – 15 Reps
A2. 3 Point DB Row
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
AMRAP 10:00
15 Air Squats
5ea Renegade Rows
15 Sit-Ups
While our locations are closed, we’re busy doing lots of large and small upgrades around the gym. We want an even better gym to give back to you.
Save our Gyms
Here is a good article from the NY Daily News about why some gyms in NYC should be allowed to open. “Save our gyms, Gov. Cuomo: Learning lessons from other states, we can reopen safely“. The article details how many gyms, particularly boutique ones like our own can enact covid safety measures comparable or better than other businesses and industries that are currently open. We know that special care needs to be taken within gyms and sport facilities to prevent the spread of covid from heavy breathing indoors, but we believe the cautionary measures listed below would allow us to create reasonably safe environments for those ready and willing to go back to in house training.
- Appointment based training limited to 10 members per gym for given sessions
- Marked off areas for members to easily maintain distancing
- Ample cleaning products for equipment and personal sanitation
- Restructured gym layout and entry flow to prevent crowding
- Group class programming designed so that members will rarely need to share equipment (some circuits may have members use a rower or bike but no barbells, Dumbbells, KB, benches etc will be shared)
- Mask Usage for indoor training
- Health declaration built into class RSVP process
- Given that everything is RSVP and training sessions are distinct times time frames, we can contact trace much more effectively than most other businesses.
Cuomo Says COVID-19 “Far From Over” As Hospitalization Rates Hit New Low Since March gothamist
Who should we contact and how to spread this message?
I dont know Charles!! WAHHHH Im telling you!! that’s a start