Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
CFSBK @ Home: 7am, 12pm & 6pm
Morning Mindfulness: 8am
Virtual Fit55 with your parents: 11am!!
Kids: 4:30pm
Warm Up
6ea Worlds Greatest Stretch
:15ea Single Leg Flamingo Hold
6 Scap Push-Ups
A1. Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunge
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
A2. Hollow Body Single Arm Floor Press
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
12-10-8-6-4-2 reps, for time of:
Single Arm Man Maker
Pistols, Assisted Pistols (or Goblet Curtsy Squats)
*count total reps on the man makers and pistols, not each side!”
Shout out to Ben’s Box Mechanics for coming in and fixing all our bikes!!!
Don’t forget today we’re hosting our first Virtual Fit55 class today and we want to see you and your parents there! The class is at 11am free and led by Coach Fox. Check out yesterday’s post for more details. If you cant make it today we’re also doing this on Friday at 11am!!
Stella’s Puzzle in the NY Times Today
Today’s New York Times crossword puzzle was written by our very own Stella Z! You can give it a shot here. (Subscription required)
I’m known for my love of extremely hard puzzles (my puzzle website is even called Tough as Nails), so me having a puzzle in the Times on a Tuesday is highly unusual. I promise it won’t be full of opera terms and 19th-century authors the way my puzzles usually are 🙂
Old Man Strength at Muscle Beach Thrillist
Aw, my parents can’t make it today. Maybe my mom will come Friday while my dad is golfing! I would have loved to do Fit55 with them both!
Great idea!!
Congratulations, Stella! That’s so cool.
@Stella: 11 min!
That workout nearly killed me. I was shaking for a good half hour afterward and that was with only a 20# DB! 10:55 with curtsy squats.
Thanks for the shoutout DO (and Tamson and muxx)!
Omg eff that workout. I lost connection so I set up on my own. I had to modify. TWICE.
Workout in 10:52 with 30’s and curtsies.
Crossword in 16:43 with some googling.