Warm Up
6ea DB Powell Raise
6ea Quadruped Hip Extension
20 High Knees
A1. Front Foot Elevated Reverse Lunge
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
A2. Hollow Body Single Arm Floor Press
3 x 5 – 15 Reps Each
14 – 10 – 6 reps for time of:
Single Arm Overhead Reverse Lunge (Contralateral) Right
Single Arm Overhead Reverse Lunge (Contralateral) Left
Alternating Crossbody V-ups
FIT 55+ At Home WOD 7/3/20
Warm Up Whiteboard Explanation
3-4 rounds at a deliberate pace
5 Wide Stance Forward + Backward Bends
10 Alternating Static Lateral Lunges
5e Crawl Steps Forward and Backward
5 Tall Plank to Down Dogs
Strength Whiteboard Explanation
4-5 sets each
:40 Wall Sit
:30 Reverse Plank Bridge
:20e Side Plank
Conditioning Whiteboard Explanation
5 rounds
2 minutes of continuous effort at a medium pace
30 Mountain Climbers
AMRAP Burpees in the remaining time
Is there a way to get the article without the magazine cover sitting on top? I could use some German reading practice and I’d totally tell you if they talked Scheisse about us 😛
I was going to offer my mother to translate, but looks like Stella has it covered (the many skills of Stella)
I doubt it!!!! 🙁