Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD 6.15.20
Warm Up
6ea Leg Cradle-to-Side Lunge
6 Scap Push Ups
12 Alt Downward Dog Calf Marches
A1) 3 x 8-10 reps each Goblet Reverse Lunge to Knee Lift
A2) 3 x 8-10 reps each Single-Arm Dumbbell Floor Press (or Push-Ups)
2 x 6 Minute AMRAP:
2 Burpees
4 Pistols, Assisted Pistol (or Curtsy Squats)
8 American Kettelbell/Dumbbell Swings
Rest 2 minutes, then repeat.
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FIT 55+ At-Home WOD 6.15.20
Warm Up
3-4 Rounds (at a deliberate pace):
12 Alternating Standing Knee Raises
8 Bent Over Ts
4 Inchworm + Shoulder Taps
4-5 Sets (each):
7 Goblet Squats @3331
7e Half Kneeling or Seated Presses
15 Minutes of Continuous Effort:
30 Wall Leaning Runner Steps
20 Shoulder Taps
10 Russian Twists
Aim to move consistently at moderate effort the entire time, breaking only as needed.
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One possibility for our new logo. See Saturday’s post to check out the others!
We’ve been hard at work cleaning out the gym, painting, moving equipment around, and planning for our eventual reopening. The city has gyms in Phase 4 for reopening, which puts us at roughly 5-6 weeks away from opening our doors, assuming Covid cases don’t spike.
On top of all the stress and details related to reopening, as you all know, we’ve been dealing with the self-inflicted damage related to (now former) CrossFit CEO and founder Greg Glassman’s comments regarding George Floyd and Covid-19. The history of problematic leadership at CrossFit HQ is a long and complicated one, and as a result of this, we’ve decided to step away from the company, rebranding ourselves as Community Fitness South Brooklyn. This was not an easy decision given all we owe to the methodology and community at large that has given us so much; however, values and actions are more important than 8 letters associated with our name, and now more than ever it’s important to be on the right side of history.
We unequivocally believe that black lives matter and changing our name is only one step in the direction of making our gym even more equitable and accessible for more people. Creating sustaining and benefactor rates, partnering with local organizations, changing elements of how we program and the kinds of events we run in the future will further demonstrate our commitment to more equitable access to our program and highlight our values of inclusivity and our commitment to progressive politics.
We’re hard at work putting all the details together and are excited to be rolling out some of our plans in the coming days and weeks. We appreciate everyone’s support, understanding and patience as continue to operate primarily online and know that we want nothing more than to safely open our gym for our community.
4 Ways to Naturally Improve Your Circadian Rhythm BarBend
Why We Can Learn About Resilience & Community from Indigenous Leaders Blue Zones
anyone else having trouble getting into yoga?
@Charles – I like it very much, but some people don’t.
Did you get in? email me what the problem was!