Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD 6.13.20
Warm Up
:15 Prone W Hold
6ea Squat Thoracic Rotations
6 Reverse Yoga Push-Ups
A1) 3 x 6-8 reps each Single Arm Kettlebell Front Squat
A2) 3 x 6-8 reps each Single-Arm Bent Over Row
EMOM 20 Minutes:
A) 5ea Single-Arm Overhead Squat
B) :40 Jumping Jacks
C) 10 Windshield Wipers
D) 8ea Lawnmower Row
E) :40 Forearm Plank
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Which logo format do you like the best??
Vote in the comments!!!
Thanks to our own Cam C for the facelift options!

5 Rules to Live By During a Pandemic NY Times
Coronavirus Deaths and Those of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd Have Something in Common: Racism The Conversation
I like the rounded. Without coffee this morning they all looked the same anyway.
Although I do think the skull needs more teeth.
Rounded or half/half!
Half and half!
I like the rounded. It’s……well.. rounded.
Half and half
Half and half!
half and half!
half and half!
Half and half is the one!
Half and half. Would you consider making the jolly roger smiling? Whenever I tell people about our gym, I spend a good deal of time convincing them that we are not just a gym of elite jocks, but in fact help everyone of all abilities and ages, from toddlers to octogenarians. It takes a while to talk them out of the fear of how we do CrossFit. Then they see this kind of menacing skull and cross bones.
Perhaps a slightly smiley skull will be both a nod to our past, and a more accurate representation of the inclusiveness the coaches work so hard to be.