Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 6.10.20
Warm Up
:30 Superman Swimmer Kicks
6 Single-Leg Crossbody Romanian Deadlifts
6 No-Push-Up Burpees
A1) 3 x 6-8 reps each Single-Arm Suitcase Deadlift
A2) 3 x 6-8 reps each Supinated Grip Bent Over Row (add Bent Over Tricep Extension if weight is easy)
For Time:
21 Single-Arm Kettlebell Swings (Right)
21 Single-Arm Kettlebell Swings (Left)
21 Sit-Ups
15 Single-Arm Kettlebell Swings (Right)
15 Single-Arm KettlebellSwings (Left
15 Sit-Ups
9 Single-Arm Kettlebell Swings (Right)
9 Single-Arm Kettlebell Swings (Left
9 Sit-Ups
Post work to comments.
FIT 55+ At Home WOD 6.10.20
Warm Up
3-4 Rounds (at a deliberate pace):
6 Hip Hinge-to-Wall Hamstring Stretch
6e Single Leg Standing Ankle Circles
12 Alternating Arm Plank Salutes
4-5 Sets (each):
6e Split Stance Single Arm Deadlifts
6e Side Plank Rotations (w/weight if able)
Cycle through 5 rounds of the circuit:
:30 Work / :30 Rest
1) Low Box Runners
2) Squats
3) Prone “W” Hold
Post work to comments.
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Tomorrow: Affiliate Panel Featuring Coach David
Coach David will appear on a Zoom Affiliate Panel hosted by our friends at Beyond the Whiteboard tomorrow at 3:30pm EST. Tune in HERE to see David discuss recent events with other community leaders.
In related news, a Men’s Health article posted yesterday lists CFSBK as one of the top gyms in the country:
“According to reporting from the The Morning Chalk Up and an unverified list published on Reddit, hundreds of gyms are dropping or have dropped their affiliations, including CrossFit Invictus, CrossFit South Brooklyn, and CrossFit New England, three of the most prominent boxes in the country.”
Pretty cool!
The Head of CrossFit Has Stepped Down Buzzfeed
Let Diners Spill onto the Streets NY Daily News
What if GG instead of just slinking away into his very expensive shame hole helped make CF’s all over the world more economically equitable. He could donate a large amount of his licensing income to CF to put towards scholarships and fitness out reach programs.
Oh Shit! I’m late for class.
PS: LS – I curse you every day for these workouts but secretly I adore them.
Always love!
We need CFSBK face masks with the new logo. This is a high priority request so MGMT please action this immediately.
Im dropping everything else and making this my priority, Jay. 😛