Virtual Class Zoom Room
Password: CFSBK
Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 4.24.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
8 Alternating Crossbody V Ups/Tuck Ups
5 each Side Plank Rotations
6-10 Push-Ups w/1 second pause at bottom and top
Single Leg Contralateral Dumbbell/Kettlebell Deadlift:
3 x 6-10 each leg
Tall Kneeling Single Arm Press:
3 x 6-10 each arm
1 second hold at top and bottom.
AMRAP 6 Minutes:
5 Burpees
10 Sit-Ups
15 Russian Swings
10 Burpees
15 Sit-Ups
20 Russian Swings
15 Burpees
20 Sit-Ups
25 Russian Swings
Etc., increasing by 5s each round.
Rest 2 minutes, then…
Whatever you completed in the 6 minutes, complete it in reverse for time.
Post work to comments.
Fit 55+ Gym-less WOD 4.24.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
10 Hollow Body Leg Raises
10e Side Lying Leg Raises
5e Down Dog Calf Marches
4-5 Sets:
8-10 Backpack Cleans
:30 Single-Arm Overhead March Left
:30 Single-Arm Overhead March Right
5 Sets at a Fast Pace:
In 2:00…
8 Broomstick Muscle Snatches
8 Backpack Thrusters
Max Reps Burpee Sprawls in remaining time
Rest 1:00 between sets.
Work for 2:00 starting at 0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, and 12:00, with 1:00 rest after each work interval.
Post work to comments.
Warm you your leg warmers for 80s TRIVIA NIGHT!
Tonight: 80s Trivia on Zoom
In an effort to keep our community connected, make some new friends and hang with old ones, we are hosting a TRIVIA NIGHT tonight starting at 7pm!
The game will entail 4-5 rounds and involve all of your senses: Sounds! Music! Visuals! Best of all, you get to participate in a TEAM of five people, so don’t worry about your level of 80s trivia knowledge. The idea is to have fun while also raising funds! There is no cost to join, but participants are encouraged to give a small donation to Michelle Z.‘s organization Operation Feed, which supports healthcare workers in Brooklyn. See last week’s blog posts about Michelle’s organization to learn more. We’re planning on this event going anywhere from 60-90 minutes.
All spots are full, but we still encourage you to donate to Operation Feed at the link above. See you tonight, competitors!
Question of the Day
If you could only use three condiments for the rest of your life, what would they be?
Try These Exercises to Maintain Your Biceps Without Weights BarBend
The Small Space Workout Challenge NY Times
mayonnaise. kewpie mayonnaise. dijonnaise.
DL’s @40#, presses @30#.
KB swings with 40#.
subbed burpees over KB. for burpees for low ceiling reasons.
1st round got to 12 situps in the 3rd round.
2nd round in 5:29.
The coach forgot to remind me to always face the same way as I jumped over. 💫🌪
Mayonnaise – this includes ALL mayo products, psych!, Dijon Mustard, EBTB
Noon! I had to go camera off today, was baking bread and on a call hold – it was too distracting for me which meant it would have been way more for everyone else. Used my trusty 20k KB and today dropped to the 15# DB for the kneeling single arm presses. I would have liked to have used my 17.5 DB’s but left shoulder is bugging me.
Did 3 rounds of the AMRAP. Still working on “light as a feather” on my floors to be a good neighbor and its eating time up on me.
Have a great day everyone! Have fun at trivia! For any of my Supple Leopard teammates – CRUSH. THEM. ALL.
Blog QOD: mayonnaise, sriracha, chimichurri. I think between the three of those individually and mixed together, you can get pretty far.
Class QOD: My best trivia categories are the ones that never show up at pub quiz: classical music, literature, chemistry. Unless I write the questions. Karl still occasionally razzes me about the time I wrote an entire round about Marcel Proust and it showed up at the Rock Shop quiz. (I recused myself from participation since I wrote the round!)
7 AM:
Split stance RDLs because I couldn’t quite manage the balance with the 65# DB, in sets of 8.
Almost completed 3 sets of 6 each kneeling press with the 40# DB. That’s a lot of reps for me at that weight!
WOD: got through 2 swings in the round of 15/20/25, and did it backwards in 5:22 (so much brainpower! too early in the morning!). Did not go super fast in the 6 minute piece. After all, if every burpee you do then means another burpee you have to do later…somehow I think the motivation mechanism is off 😉
Noon Zoom with Keith and Katie never fails to disappoint in the costume category. It’s impressive!
QOTD: ketchup, Dijon mustard and yellow mustard
Strength: 35#KB for 3×10 on DL’s and 20# for 3×10 on kneeling presses
WOD: Got through 14 swings with 35# on the 3rd round. In reverse took 5:30.
I’m giving my kids that WOD later. Its math and PE all in one!
Michelle you win the mom of the day award!! Math and fitness indeed.