Zoom recently instituted mandatory password protection of all usage on their platform to prevent trolling. For all classes except CrossFit Kids, you’ll be using the same Zoom room link you’ve been using and the following password: CFSBK. Go HERE to see our full class schedule.
Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 4.8.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
1:00 Bottom of Squat Hold (unweighted to start, add goblet if you can)
6 each direction Scap/Shoulder CARS
10 Alternating Samson Lunges
A1) 3 x 5 Tempo Goblet Squats (4 seconds down, 3 seconds up)
A2) 3 x 6-12 each arm Standing Biceps Reverse Curls
9 Minute AMRAP:
16 Jumping Lunges
16 Alternating 1-Arm Gorilla Rows
8 V-Ups/Tuck Ups
Post work to comments.
55+FIT Gym-less WOD 4.8.20
Warm Up
10 Minute of Vigorous Walking
If you can go outside, do so. If doing this indoors set a timer for 10 minutes and perform 10 jumping jacks at the top of each minute while walking from room to room.
4-5 Sets of Each:
6-12 Pillow Case Body Rows (make sure these are secure)
6-12 Wall Slides (press back of hand and forearm into wall as you slide)
:30 Wall Sit
The rows and the wall slides in today’s strength work are a repeat from last Wednesday. Use today to get more comfortable with them OR make them more challenging if you can.
10 Minutes Continuous Effort:
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 12, 14…reps of…
Squats and Floor L-Sits
Beginning with a set of 2 reps of each exercise, add 2 reps per round for 10 minutes.
Post work to comments.
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News and Notes from CFSBK Members
Not surprisingly, CFSBKers are still doing amazing stuff. Here’s what you’ve been up to:
- CFSBKer and FDNY Battalion Chief Simon Ressner wrote a piece for ProPublica describing a recent 24-hour shift that started on April 3rd. The FDNY responds to over 300,000 medical calls a year and are one of the front lines in the Coronavirus pandemic. As a Battalion Chief, Simon needs to organize the response and resources of four engine companies and two ladder companies of the 57. Read about a day in Simon’s life HERE.
- A note from Stella Z.: “The New York Times crossword app has just published a set of 20 midi crosswords (9×9, so smaller than the daily crossword in the paper but bigger than a midi) that I wrote. Better yet, the theme of the set is fitness, so there will be a ton of inside references for CrossFitters! The pack is available for purchase through the app only (not on the Times puzzle website). I hope some CFSBKers will give it a try!”
- CFSBK resident philosopher Samir C. wrote a timely essay about how philosophy can ease anxiety.
- Coach David was recently quoted in a Zen Planner article about how small businesses are engaging members during the shutdown. Check it out!
Got something of note going on in your life? Let us know! We want to hear about your promotions, events, art, personal victories, discoveries, media campaigns, and small government coup d’états, or you can just share interesting links. We also always love hearing about any CrossFit/athletic-related goals and accomplishments. Send awesomeness to Josh [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com.
Today: Equipment Pickup from 12pm to 1pm
To date we’ve lent out equipment to over 180 members! But we know some of you missed the previous pickup windows, so we’re doing another one tomorrow (Wednesday the 8th) from 12-1pm. CFSBK members can pick up one dumbbell or kettlebell for free. We will have the doors propped open to make sure you don’t need to touch anything other than what you’re taking, and we ask that you wear gloves and a mask. We are not offering barbells, and equipment adoption is only open to CFSBK members.
Here’s what we have left as of Tuesday evening: 8kg and 32kg kettlebells, a few 20 lb. dumbbells, lots of lighter dumbbells, a couple of 50 lb. dumbbells, a bunch of dumbells over 50 lb., and a wide range of medicine balls.
Question of the Day
What have you started doing during shelter-in-place that you’d like to continue doing after its over.
The Thrilling History of the First 1,000-Pound Squat BarBend
This Is a Great Time to Busy Yourself With Bees Atlas Obscura
Thanks for the puzzle shoutout, Josh! Those who did my first pack of minis for the app may recall that I snuck some CrossFitty clues in there — this time I did it overtly because the whole theme of the pack is working out 🙂
QOD: Playing board games! Some good ones for two players that I’m guessing are not as well known:
Chronology — you draw cards with historical events and try to guess where they should go in your timeline. (Things like, did the “I have a dream” speech happen before or after the first American went to space?)
Chrononauts — similar name, very different play. You’re trying to alter history to make it align with your alternate-universe timeline. Takes much longer to figure out how to play than to actually play.
Ticket to Ride — you score points by building train lines that match up with routes you’ve been assigned. I’m making it sound very boring but it’s fun!
Quicktionary — you have three sets of conditions (e.g., “contains a double letter,” “has exactly two syllables,” “is the title of a movie”) and whoever comes up with a word that meets all three gets a point.
7 AM workout: did 4 sets because I was feeling good. I guess I was also moving faster because I did the curls with both arms instead of two sets of single-arm. Squats at 65, curls at 25 (these were shockingly hard!).
WOD: 6+8 with 30# rows. Tough!
My kids LOVE Ticket to Ride although right now they are on a Catan kick. Every night after dinner, they are begging to play. Chrononauts sounds right up their alley. Thanks for the recommendations.
QOTD: Shutting off my computer at the “end” of the “day”
a1) with my trusty 18kg loaner
a2) 12 with a resistance band’
6+18, jumping lunges are awful
ooh, banded curls, so smart!
QOD – Daily journaling
I’ve written/journaled on and off since I was a surly teenager, often very self consciously. Current goal is to write one sentence each morning as part of my “morning routine”. Of course it’s usually more than one sentence, but this way I get to feel good about jotting down even just a few words before I move on. An important side note (for me) is that it’s not a “gratitude” journal and I don’t require myself to jot down positive affirmations. Sometimes a single surly sentence suffices.
Hey folks, thanks for the link to the blog post. Hope it’s of some use to folks.
QOD: we have daily cuddles with Ayana, which I would very much like to see continue for a very long time
I hope everyone is having a good week! WOD 5 rounds+ 32 reps with my trustee 12.5 dumbbell.
QOTD: I hope to get more workouts in outside. I’ve been taking advantage of my parents backyard during this quarantine & it’s really helped me to not feel so trapped inside.
Noon workout with Brittany and Nick today.
30# for 4×5 on the goblet squats
10# KB on the reverse curls which was a little bit awkward
20# for gorilla rows
6 rounds plus 13 jumping lunges
QOTD: I have actually not ever been a person that enjoyed working out at home. I found it hard to get motivated to do it and boring to have no people around. So, if I couldn’t get to a gym, I would just NOT workout which seems silly since I have some equipment. I’d like to continue a work at home trend.
Also, actually playing with my children (they are 10 and 12 so the fact that they still want to play with me is pretty awesome!)
Super happy to have adopted a kettle bell so I can get back to moving.
Hello to all
In this difficult span, I love you all
Esteem your relations and friends
QOTD: keep my commitment to a daily breathing practice.
Did a bunch of mobility work and some DB highpulls today,
followed by 5 mins of a plank to forearm plank then d/u’s sequence. Yikes, that’s my next hurdle for dubs, combining them with something else.
then 15 mins on the erg at 16 s/m, a little over 3200m.
Do Stella’s puzzles!
Did stella’s puzzle pack! So fun! Thanks for the hour of extra brain use, SZ. 🙂
QOTD: Slow cooking; everything tastes amazing after hours of simmering. I can definitely do it on weekends even when things are a bit less home-centric. And chopping my own veggies; I was a fan of the pre-chopped before for the sake of efficiency, but am finding the process cathartic and frankly not that time consuming. No one else here is surprised. 🙂