Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 3.31.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
5 Each Arm Turkish Sit-Ups
10 Boot Straps
6-10 Lying Windshield Wipers
A1) 3 x 6-10 Each 1-Arm Z Press
1 second pause at top, 3 second negative.
A2) 3 x 8-12 Kettlebell/Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts
3 second negative. Go deficit if you have the range and something to stand on.
20 Minutes at Low Intensity:
5 Dumbbell/Kettlebell Hang Clean and Jerks (each arm)
8 each Half Kneeling Chop and Lift
20 Running Mountain Climbers
:20 each Weighted Side Plank OR Straight Arm Side Plank OR Side Plank
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Road Warriors Workout White Board Explanation 3.31.20
Pre-Run Mobility/Warm Up
2-3 Rounds of:
5e/direction Quadruped Hip CARS
10e Spiderman Mountain Climbers
20 Second Hollow Hold
30 Second Down Dog Hold
3-Mile Easy Run
- Masal breathing only!
- ½ mile more than last week but still at an easy pace.
- Goal is to keep moving and sustain nasal breath. Run/walk as needed to make that happen.
- Experienced runners: choose a more challenging course, pick up speed
Cool Down
2 Minutes Per Side of Each of the Following: Samson Stretch, Standing Cross Legged Forward Fold, Calf Mash
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Here’s our most up-to-date virtual class and at-home programming schedule. Please note the new classes we’re offering, including today’s FREE Morning Mindfulness class with Coach Fox. All classes can be accessed through the regular Zoom link. Read on for info on our new virtual class policies, which start tomorrow!
CFSBK Virtual Class Policies
It looks like CFSBK is going to be remote for at least 4 more weeks, so we’ve decided to formalize some pricing and payment options for our virtual programs. Many of you already attending these classes will not experience a change other than having to RSVP for classes so we can track attendance.
Beginning this Wednesday, April 1st, CFSBK will be asking all participants of our virtual Zoom classes to pre-register via Zen Planner for each class. This means that members will need to have an active CFSBK membership (recurring or punch card) or will need to purchase a membership in order to attend. Membership options, instructions on how to RSVP, and our most up-to-date class schedule are outlined below. We thank you for your patience in these first 2 weeks of transitioning to virtual classes and hope that you can continue to support us with your membership! Stay tuned to CFSBK.com to see further updates and additions.
Members with Active Memberships
Recurring Memberships (Group Glass & Open Gym)
We are SO appreciative of your ongoing support! All members with active recurring memberships have unlimited access to all of our virtual classes! Memberships on hold will need to become active in order to register for classes.
Punch Card Memberships
We’ve had several members ask to use their existing punch cards on our virtual classes, and now you can! Members with any punch card type (CrossFit, Fit 55+, Diapers and Dumbbells, Speciality class, Kids/Teens) can use their existing membership to attend any class.
Inactive Membership Options
Recurring Memberships or Punch Cards
We ask any new or currently inactive member to select the membership option at any level that they can support us. As a reminder, recurring memberships have unlimited access to all of our Virtual classes.
Daily: $15 Single Class
We are sympathetic to the reality that some members are facing financial hardships. In light of that, we’re offering a discounted Virtual class rate of $15. However, if even this option is cost prohibitive for you given the current economic situation to please reach out Jess at info@crossfitsouthbrooklyn.com to discuss further options. We won’t leave anyone behind!
Kids and Teens
The same options will apply to our CrossFit Kids programs. We’ll ask parents to preregister their kids, and we’ll deduct one class from their punchcard, or they can use the $15 per class option. CFSBK will be accommodating to families facing financial hardship right now.
Logging in and Reserving a Class
To help streamline the process, all members will now be required to register for each class in advance. Registration will provide the member with the Zoom link to each class.
- To log in to your Zen Planner (ZP) account we strongly encourage you to download the member app; however, you can also go here to sign in.
- Once you log in, the page will default on your Profile page. Any active memberships will be displayed here.
- To register for a class you will go to Calendar and click into the class you want to reserve. If you have a membership that can be applied towards this class the blue “reserve” button will appear on the right side of the page. Clicking this button will add you into the class with your membership.
- If you do not have a membership that is eligible for this class, the membership and drop-in options will display. You can select the option you would like and complete the process.
- If you want to see the classes you are registered for you can view this on the calendar or on your profile page. Classes you are reserved for will display with a star on the class. Or if you go to your profile page, under reservations to see them all displayed in list view.
- Members will be allowed to Register for classes up to 7 days in advance. Members also have the option to Cancel the class via ZP without penalty if done before class start.
Virtual Class Schedule
7am Locked & Loaded
10am Yoga for Athletes
12pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Preteens and Teens (Ages 8+)
6pm Locked & Loaded (NEW!)
7am Locked & Loaded
8am Morning Mindfulness (free and open to all!)
12pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Kids (Ages 7 and under)
6pm Locked & Loaded (NEW!)
7am Locked & Loaded
12pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Preteens and Teens (Ages 8+)
6pm Locked & Loaded (NEW!)
7am Yoga for Athletes
6pm Mat Pilates
4:30pm Kids (Ages 7 and under)
7am Locked & Loaded
12pm Locked & Loaded
6pm Locked & Loaded (NEW!)
10am Locked & Loaded
12pm Brittnastics (NEW!)
10am Active Recovery
You’ll have to sign up and download the Zoom app to whatever device you’re using, so be sure to do that ahead of time. Once you’ve done that just go HERE to access all classes.
Kids classes will run on a separate Zoom meeting. Please email Coach Lynsey at cfsbkkids@gmail.com for more info.
We’ll continue to expand our class offerings as we can. And don’t forget we’re also offering our Road Warriors running programming, Fit 55+ programming and our Brittnastics gymnastics programming via our website—all for free!
We can’t thank you enough for your continued support of the program and our staff during these difficult times. CFSBK is committed to being with you through the entire pandemic by providing multiple virtual class types and times as well as daily stand -lone programming with explanations from the CFSBK coaching staff. We will also be rolling out some more content to keep you connected to the CFSBK community. We can’t WAIT to get you all back into the gym and see all your sweating and smiling faces in real life, but until then, we hope to see you in our Zoom classes and posting on the CFSBK.com blog. We love and miss you all!
Question of the Day
What’s the first restaurant you’re going to go to after the quarantine ends, and what will you order?
How to Get More Sleep Tonight NY Times
4 Ways to Make Bodyweight Training Harder BarBend
Forget restaurants, I’m going to Sweet Polly and ordering a mint julep. Maybe like three mint juleps. I’ve been wanting so badly to switch over from Manhattans for spring, and then lockdown happened and although I can make a passable Manhattan, for some reason I STINK at making juleps.
For the class registration, if we have to start doing that starting tomorrow, will the registration link be in place tonight? I’m so not going to remember to do it as I’m rolling out of bed in the morning!
As for today’s 7 AM…those chops are HARD.
Hey Stella, on the ZP app or website after you login you should be able to click the class you want to register for whenever, so you could do that tonight.
I figured it out! I was confused earlier by the fact that all the regular classes are still on the schedule. Thanks DO!
Tell me if this is a bat-poo crazy idea:
Saturday partner WOD via Zoom. Long AMRAP with teams of 2. You pin your partner’s screen so you can see them the whole time. When you finish a round, you give a thumbs up or high five to indicate it’s their turn to go (that way everyone can stay muted).
Would that be an enormous pain in the tuckus?
Wait, Stella are you still seeing all of our old classes when you go to register??? I thought I had hidden them so that you could only see this:
Please let me know if you are seeing all of them and where/what step along the way of registration you’re seeing it.
Yes, I’m still seeing all of them (from my desktop). If you click on “Calendar” in the left navigation bar, it shows all classes, and also when you click on “My Profile,” then “reservations” and then the “+Reserve Class Times” expansion link.
The “Locked and Loaded” classes are there, but so is everything else.
I’ll email you a screenshot of what I’m seeing.
My first stop will hopefully be Blue Ribbon Sushi and I’ll eat whatever they’ll give me.
4 rounds plus a 5th of everything but the side planks. Stella is right- those chops are HARD.
Great 8AM mindfulness class this morning
Stella and all,
Once you guys register for class, you’ll get a confirmation of your registration with the appropriate link for the class you registered for. And at least through the end of this week, that link is the same link that you all have been using now to take class.
We realize there will be a learning curve to this (us included!) and definitely don’t want the technology to limit participation. Please let us know if you guys have ANY issues with registering.
Thanks all!