Locked & Loaded WOD 3.28.20
Warm Up
2-3 Rounds:
10 Alternating Lunges (walking if possible or in place)
10m Bear Crawl OR 16 Alternating Quadruped Shoulder Taps
10m Crab Walk OR :20 Reverse Bridge Plank
10m Side Shuffle Each Way or 20 Heidens
20 Toe Touches
6 each Side Plank Rotations
10 Air Squats
Every Minute on the Minute for 25 Minutes (5 Rounds):
A) 12 Alternating Goblet Lunges (walking if possible or in place)
B) :30 Goblet Squat Hold
C) :30 Forearm Plank
D) AMRAP in the minute:
10 Goblet Squats
10 alt. DB Snatches OR 5each KB Hang Snatch
E) Rest
Post work to comments.
Brittnastics WOD 3.28.20
:90 Hip Internal Rotation Stretch (each side + passive internal rotation end range hold 3-5/side)
10 Bear Sit Internal/External Rotations (each leg)
3 Half Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch + Hamstring PAILS & RAILS (each side)
Warm Up
:30 Feet Together Bottom of Squat Hold + 5 Feet Together Squats
5 Eccentric Ankle Dorsiflexion (each leg)
Pistol Top and Bottom Strength
3-4 Rounds:
A1) :10-15 Bottom of Pistol Hold
A2) :10 Top of Pistol Hold
Rest :60
Strength Work
Option 1 (those without pistols):
A1) 4 x 6 Leg Eccentric Only Pistol (each leg)
A2) 4 x 10 Seated Pike Up
Rest :90-2:00
Perform Pistol with :05 eccentric. Once you get to the bottom position place your other foot down & use both feet to stand up.
Option 2 (those who tested 20-30 for time):
A1) 4 x 6-8 Pistols Squats per leg @ a 3111 tempo
A2) 4 x 10 Seated Pike Ups
Rest :90-2:00
Perform one leg then the other *add volume from last week or add tempo in eccentric and/or bottom position. Next week we will look at EMOMs with volume. 🙂
Core Work
3-4 Rounds for Quality:
:15 Single Leg Glute Bridge (each side) + :15 Bilateral Glute Bridge
:45 Fire Hydrant Hold (each)
:45 Deadbug Hold
Post work to comments.
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Coaches Keith and Katie leading yesterday’s noon Zoom workout in style, as always
Weekend Classes at CFSBK
Join your fellow CFSBKers for our continuing Zoom classes. Yesterday’s we posted our full schedule through the end of the coming week. Here’s what’s happening this weekend:
Saturday, 3/28
10am Locked & Loaded
Sunday, 3/29
10am Active Recovery
You’ll have to sign up and download the Zoom app to whatever device you’re using, so be sure to do that ahead of time. Once you’ve done that just go HERE to access all classes.
Question of the Day
What is the greatest movie of all time?
How Muscle Memory May Help Keep Us Fit NY Times
Training at Home During the Pandemic Breaking Muscle
There is only one answer and it is “Clueless”!
QOTD – Definitely Velocipastor
Strength work before the wod. Half kneeling filly press. 3×6 at 31×1 with 16kg bell for press and 24kg bell for hold.
Those goblet squat holds sucked at 24kg.
24kg kB snatches – 11, 13, 14, 14, 15
Realized I read the workout wrong. Did 10 goblet squats than amrap of kb snatches. Whoops!
Awesome workout in the completely empty park with Brad MacDonald this morning. That warmup alone almost knocked me out. Round five of the WOD in the rain felt great.
Also: The Princess Bride
That was my response too!
10 AM group virtual class!
Almost had a SNAFU in round 1 when I nearly dropped the DB which would have been disastrous in my bare feet. Rallied to better my score every round, which was great. 1, 1+3, 1+5, 1+6, 1+8.
I’m not going to change my answer from Clueless, but someone said The Princess Bride in 10 AM and I can’t really argue with that.
Great 10am workout with Brett & Whit!! Definitely sweaty. I momentarily forgot about everything and that was a really good feeling. No dumbbell/kettlebell so used a full bottle of balsamic vinegar 🙂 It was so great to see everyones faces – all 50ish of you! Keep it up everyone! <3
10am LnL! So fun, this WOD was SO FUN and I loved seeing all those sweet faces. I super liked all the movements and used a 17.5db. No complaints except I’m out of coffee and had a hard time figuring things out without my fitness beverage. Thank you Brett, Whitney, and Penny!
QOTD: Napoleon Dynamite.
loved the class today – especially hanging out with everyone. so fun.
Thanks Brett & Whit for the class.
Buckaroo Bonzai – although I’ve searched and can’t seem to find it online. I have a VHS tape of it (watched it many hundreds of times). Happy to loan it out.
did anyone grab the chat file today? I’m curious about all the other movies that were mentioned.
Richard G.
Zoomed at 10AM with Whit and Brett
QOTD: Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
squats and lunges with 40# KB, snatched with a 30# db.
1 round plus 1/2/3/3/5 squats.
sweaty for sure
I love CTHD!!
Did this one on my own in the afternoon today. Downloaded the WOD timer app which was helpful to keep track of the EMOM.
30# DB on lunges/squat holds and squats
20# DB for snatches
1 round plus 3/4/4/4/5
QOTD: watched Thelma&Louise for the first time in a long time on a plane recently and I think that is my vote
(Though I will always say yes to Clueless, Stella)
Qod: not to be a total nerd but “Andrei Rublev” would be my pick. If you don’t have time for a 3+ hour B&W Russian movie about a midevieval icon painter just watch the flying scene and the bell-making scene on YouTube.
Also I recently saw “Close Up,” a famous Iranian movie by Abbas Kuristami a docu/drama hybrid where people play themselves that folds reality over and over itself that I’m still thinking about months later.
10am Zoom. Great class. Just a 20 lb kB. Feeling tender today. 1 round plus 5 or so reps each round.
Thanks for the Active Recovery class, Chris – love your QODs – always brings a smile to my face!
Did yesterday’s L&L a day late and out of order probably after active recovery but it was a fun one! Felt good to get a longer wod in after some fast paced stuff earlier this week.
QOTD: In the category of best-that-i’ll-watch-whenever-it’s-on= The Rock
In actual best movie category=*recency bias warning* I thought Parasite was unbelievable.