Locked & Loaded WOD 3.27.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
16 Alternating Tall Plank Toe Taps
8 Alternating Samson Lunges
8 Bottom Half Burpees
8 V-Ups/Tuck Ups
A1) 3 x 8-12 Each Sumo Single Arm Deadlift (3 second negative)
A2) 3 x 6-10 Half Kneeling Single Arm Press (1 second pause at top and bottom)
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
30 Russian Swings
20 Sit-Ups
15 Burpees
Moderate intensity (push the last few minutes if you have it in you). If Sit-Ups are a no-go without an AbMat, try anchoring with weight or switch to 20 Alternating Bicycle Crunches. Scale to No-Push-Up Burpees as needed.
Post work to comments.
55+FIT Gym-less WOD 3.27.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
10e Down Dog Calf Marches
5e Side Plank Rotations
10e Hip Bridge March
30 Jumping Jacks or Jump Rope Steps
4-5 Sets of Each:
8 Deep Squats (hold something for support and/or have something to sit on as needed, OR hold a weight to make them more challenging!
16 Alternating Arm Push Planks
Conditioning Explanation
Every Minute on the Minute for 20:00 (5 rounds total):
1) 6-8 Burpees
2) 4-6 Get Ups (if you have a weight, hold it!)
3) 6-8 Each Leg Step Ups or Lunges
4) :20 Seated Static Leg Raise
Post work to comments.
Upcoming Virtual Classes at CFSBK
As the quarantine continues, so do our efforts to keep you moving and connected. Our virtual class programming will continue for the near future. Here’s what you can expect:
Friday, 3/27
7am Locked & Loaded
12pm Locked & Loaded
Saturday, 3/28
10am Locked & Loaded
Sunday, 3/29
10am Active Recovery
Monday 3/30
7am Locked & Loaded
10am Yoga for Athletes
12pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Kids (Ages 5 – 7)
Tuesday 3/31
7am Locked & Loaded
12pm Locked & Loaded
6pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Kids (Ages 5 – 7)
Wednesday 4/1
7am Locked & Loaded
12pm Locked & Loaded
4:30pm Preteens and Teens (Ages 8 – 18)
Thursday 4/2
7am Yoga for Athletes
6pm Mat Pilates
4:30pm Kids (Ages 5 – 7)
You’ll have to sign up and download the Zoom app to whatever device you’re using, so be sure to do that ahead of time. Once you’ve done that just go HERE to access all classes.
Kids classes will run on a separate Zoom meeting. Please email Coach Lynsey at cfsbkkids@gmail.com for more info.
Question of the Day
Have you read or watched anything good during quarantine? Share your recommendations!
How the Pandemic Will End The Atlantic
Tackling a Taboo: Ladies Listen Up Morning Chalk Up
QOD: while the rest of my household is binge watching Netflix (Gray’s Anatomy, Schitts Creek, The office, Criminal Minds etc) I’ve read two books and in the middle of a third: The Word Pretty by Elisa Gabbert; Rebecca Solnit Field guide to getting lost and Vivian Gornick’s The Situation & the Story.
I envy you. I just can’t seem to bring myself to read anything longer than an article right now. (I have been making an awful lot of puzzles, though!)
My husband and I are getting into The Wire. Yeah, I know we’re late to the party. Still loving it!
Also, I know this is not the QOD, but I recommend the Family Stylin’ package at Dinosaur. I bought it last night and it’s soooo much food, which when divided by how many meals Dave and I are making out of it, is pretty dirt cheap for takeout. I scored some major wife points for coming up with the idea!
It is a rare case when the expectations meet reality. amazing show.
The Wire is goddamn amazing, season 4 is still the best season of television I’ve seen.
Related note: me and Thaisa are getting into The Sopranos! Same thing – late to the party, good so far (still in season 1)
Thanks for the schedule updates. Is Thursday morning yoga for athletes cancelled?
No, just an accidental omission. Schedule is updated now. 🙂
Thank you for the schedule. The Zoom Locked & Loaded classes are amazing and such a lifeline right now. Please continue as long as possible!!
I srsly can’t live without the Zoom classes right now. If I were trying to do this on my own I’d be slacking SOOOOOO HARD.
I went with the endurance interval training today after some shoulder and hip mobility work.
6x200m, mostly in around 35 secs. Love 200m runs- perfect distance for me.
cooled down with the walking meditation posted last week.
Like Stella, I’m catching up on a show I’ve been meaning to watch for a long time- Breaking Bad. Not really what I expected- very much like The Americans.
oooooh The Americans. That one’s on my list too. Got 5 seasons of The Wire to get through first, but given the way things are going I have a feeling we can get started on another show before quarantine ends.
The Americans is one of the best shows ever. So highly recommended. I’ve been sixk for over a week and have rewatched three seasons and am feeling so sad that I’m half-way through and so looking forward to what I know is coming
7 AM Zoomin’!
I somehow managed to get through only 2.5 rounds of the strength work, why am I so slow? Sumo DL with 65# DB, press with 30#. The adjustable DB is a pain in the ass in some ways but I’m still soooooo glad I have it to supplement the adopted DBs from SBK.
4 + 49 reps in the workout. I’m not really sure how much this KB weighs? It’s an adjustable one my husband bought. It feels like it might be about 30#? Anyway I thought I was taking this easy at the start but clearly I wasn’t. Oof.
Joined Keith and Katie for 12:00…I really wanted to see what they were laughing at :0
QOTD: This is a twofer: Just finished reading “Caging Skies” which is the book Jojo Rabbit is based on but it is nothing like the book so….I enjoyed both!
Deadlifts with 35# KB 3X12 each
Presses with 20#DB 3×8 each
Swings with 35#KB
5 Rounds plus 18 swings
First, I just need to say that doing swings with a dumbbell instead of a kettlebell is awkward & scary, but I made it work. Thanks Katie & Keith!!!
QOD: Wu-Tang: An American Saga on Hulu was great & I’m really enjoying Johnathan Van Ness’ morning coffee dance Instagram stories every day. Also, The Greasy Strangler on Amazon Prime is . . . something – definitely not for the faint of heart. There was an amazing HBR article called “That Discomfort You’re Feeling is Grief” this week – I highly recommend it.
In the dark ages of CrossFit kettlebells were hard to come by and swinging a DB was the standard. Keep them eye level and keep a good grip!!
!2pm with Keith and Katie, plus special guest for much needed comic relief!
3X10 16kg kb deadlifts
3×10 16# single arm press
5 rounds + 3 burpees, Swings with 16kg kb, bicycle crunches instead of sit ups. This workout felt so good!! It was sweaty and just challenging enough!
QOTD: I’ve been catching up on the later seasons of the Office, and rewatched a couple of movies I’ve already seen several times. Guess I am just looking for comfort in something familiar during this time. The Wire is on my short list to watch. May start that soon. Currently reading Beneath a Scarlet Sky.
Thanks again for the virtual classes! I look forward to them every day!
Just a disclaimer to you all that I’ve been working out every single day but I havent been posting because I have a barbell, an EZ curl bar, plates, a couple DBs and some parallettes at my apartment and I feel guilty given the more austere situtaions most are in.. but hey… I own a gym and tons of equipment, of course Im going to take some home!! 😛
Regarding shows, nothing on netflix but last night I watched the 2 part Vice documentary about pro wrestler Chris Benoit. You may remember the story several years ago of a wrestler who killed his wife, son and then committed suicide. A truly awful and tragic situation and even if you know nothing about him or this case its a really powerful and sometimes hard to watch documentary about the circumstances leading up to that incident. Traumatic brain injuries, drug abuse and depression all play a role. Anyway- it was really well done and even if you dont know anything about or care about the industry the human element of this is universal. Make sure to have plenty of Kleenex nearby.
Part 1: https://youtu.be/XkUsAztC4Xc
Part 2: https://youtu.be/xEtP3vMElcQ
We watch “Fighting with my Family” last night with the kids (they are 10 and 12 – it’s maybe not appropriate for younger).
It’s a much lighter wrestling themed movie based on a true story. It’s very sweet and I cried like a baby at the end. But my family will tell you I cry in everything….
Lena Headey from GOT plays a very different character than Cersei Lannister so that’s fun to watch too.
I made an indulgence quarantine second breakfast today aka getting into some special things such as… sausages. So basically I was a schlub and ate instead of 12pm class, sorry to miss out on today’s theme!, and then did the workout at 2pm.
This was great! All the movements I like – anything with ab work I’m always super excited to do. I used my 17.5 db for everything including the KB. The AMRAP I ended with 5 rounds in total and did it all barefoot so my downstairs neighbor didn’t kill me. I subbed in 30 mountain climbers by round 3 for the burpees, my step in/step out up/down repeat started royally pissing me off. Afterwards I did 4 dancing diva routines that I found on Youtube. Its like floor aerobics by they try to make them cool. I’m really terrible but its a fun way to keep the heart rate up. The 4th routine was to Bruno Mars and I immediately was not interested so that was my cool down round.
I love tv and books! I’ll give one of each:
Erin Morgenstern has her new book out The Starless Sea, she wrote The Night Circus. Both are incredible. Its a 241 if Night Circus hasn’t been read yet.
For tv.. oh man. How about Derry Girls and hell, why not a second one too. Kingdom.
Thank you so much for the workout!
Qod: been showing Manuel seminal movies I think he should watch. He finds most boring but we all enjoyed “The Graduate.” Everything about it is great, especially Anne Bancroft’s performance.
Also the Mexican show “Club de Cuevas.” A satire about spoiled 20 somethings who inherit their dad’s popular underdog soccer team. I like it for the Mexico City slang which is really it’s own ridiculous language.
12.00 zoom L&L class.
40lb DLs 12 reps per
20lb presses 12 reps per
Wod: 5rnds + a few reps. 30lb single arm KB swings
Oh, if you want to watch high-brow, film school movies get the Criterion Channel. It’s fantastic. That’s where we watched “The Graduate” and others.