Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 3.25.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
1:00 Bottom of Squat Hold (unweighted to start, add goblet if you can)
16 Alternating Plank Shoulder Taps
10 Alternating Cossack Squats (unweighted to start, add goblet if comfortable)
A1) 3 x 10-15 1 1/4 Goblet Squats
A2) 3 x 6-12 Each Arm Standing Biceps Curls
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
8 Each 1-Arm Overhead Lunges (alternate legs for 8 reps, then switch arms)
16 Alternating Quadruped Dumbbell/Kettlebell Pull Throughs
10 Air Squats
Post work to comments.
55+FIT Gym-less WOD 3/25/20
10e Forward and Back Leg Swings
10e Lying Straight Leg Raises
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Need a quick and easy quarantine meal? Coach Fox has your back!
Maintaining Your Health and Nutrition in Unstable Times
How are you doing? How’s your health and well being? Are you staying active, cooking and eating nutritious foods, and finding ways to connect? Are you sleeping well since you’re not “going in” to work? If your answers are “great”, “great”, and “yes x 5,” then take this virtual high-five and keep up the great work. Feel free to move along… nothing to see here. For the rest of us, continue reading!
If zero was a “normal” amount of stress we dealt with just a few short weeks ago and sixty is what we have on our plate now, it sure seems like we’ve gone from zero to sixty in the blink of an eye. And every time I peek at the road it seems we’re going faster still. It’s difficult right now to take a breath or two, to make decisions, to care for ourselves. Some people are out of work with no income, uncertain when they’ll be able to return. Some have had their lives flipped upside down with mandatory work-at-home schedules and kids out of school. Still others are working even harder in even more challenging circumstances. There’s a lot that’s out of balance right now as we collectively do our part to manage the spread of the coronavirus while still doing our best to manage our lives.
Many of us are scared, and it’s okay to admit it. Maybe you have higher risk persons in your life who’s health you’re concerned about, and are worried about what happens if they get sick. Maybe you’re not worried about the virus itself, but how it will impact your life: your routine, your financial future, your overall well being. In times like this with so many things up in the air and the news changing by the hour, it’s even more important to focus on the things we can control, to try and not wonder and worry about things beyond that. Easier said than done and frustratingly true, but all we can really ever choose are our own next steps.
Together, through Alchemy Nutrition + Wellness, Jessica and Christian help clients from diverse backgrounds focus on their own next steps to move forward. We don’t use restrictive diets and meal plans which work “on paper” and promise quick results, yet end up being impossible to follow for any length of time. Instead we focus on basic principles of sound nutrition and wellness. Through client-coach collaboration, strategies and practices are developed to empower and create realistic, lasting changes. Sometimes that means scheduling 5-minute mind-body scans for some much needed downtime, or guiding clients through kitchen cleanups, removing foods they have a history of losing control with. Sometimes it’s simply being there as a soundboard to bounce thoughts, ideas, and feelings off of. Much of the time it’s asking the right questions and listening for answers.
- Based on client feedback and social media, here’s what we’ve been struggling with this week:
- Being cooped up inside with snacks and screen time as the day’s main activities.
- Ordering comfort food take-out again like it’s a civic duty.
- Beginning happy hour daily at noon.
- Staying up late and sleeping even later.
- Taking up cookie or cake baking as a hobby and eating all the results.
- Getting in far less daily movement and lacking motivation.
- Feeling uninspired to “behave”, treating the situation like a vacation.
- Hearing the cat angrily demand a can of tuna in fluent English.
And we get it. It’s a difficult time and whatever you’re doing to cope, it’s all understandable… all of it. (We’ll except for the cat one…please make an appointment online with a therapist to discuss ASAP). We’re human mammals seeking to be soothed, using comforting thoughts and actions to that end. And all that stuff works… for a while… until it doesn’t, right? When the future seems uncertain it’s easy to lose focus on the actions right in front of us that would lead to progress. If you’ve always put off the work to change a few habits until a “quieter time”, maybe now you have it. Now can be a GREAT time to focus on a few of your health, nutrition, and wellness goals. They can be an anchor for you, providing something other than the things outside of your control to focus on. Why not now? If not now, when? We can help you find that focus along with accountability to your progress.
We realize that everyone is at a different place right now (though not literally since last week 🙂 ) so we’re offering a few options in hopes of meeting you where you’re at.
Aside from our tried and true 12 month program which clients have been using with success for years, we’re now offering shorter commitment options of 3 and 6 months. The habits in our shorter term programs are planned and curated to serve as a stable bridge to navigate through these uncertain times.
And to go a step further in an effort to make nutrition and life coaching more accessible to you, for this start date we’re offering a few sliding scale payment options.
Benefactor: $200/month
Sustaining: $150/month
Mid: $100/month
Base: $50/month
The Sustaining rate represents the actual cost to operate our program. If you can afford this level or higher, you’ll assist our efforts to offer lower sliding-scale rates to those who cannot afford to pay more at this time.
We’d love to tell you more.
Sign up here to receive an invitation to one of our free info sessions being held “live” this Thursday, March 26th at 12pm and 7:15pm. As a thank you for attending you’ll receive a free resource guide containing some effective ideas and practices to apply right now to focus on your fitness and wellness during stressful times.
Today: Virtual Classes at CFSBK
Join us today at 7am for Locked & Loaded with Coach Whit and at 12pm for Locked & Loaded with Coach Nick. As with our other classes, you’ll have to sign up and download the Zoom app to whatever device you’re using, so be sure to do that ahead of time. Once you’ve done that just go HERE to access all classes.
Don’t forget that we’ve added a Yoga for Athletes class tomorrow at 7am. Scroll down to yesterday’s post for our full schedule.
Question of the Day
Who is someone that you have connected with in the last week that you might not have before social distancing?
Now Is the Best Time Ever to Adopt a Dog Outside
Exercising During Coronavirus: Can I Jog? Is that Water Fountain Safe? NY Times
QOTD: definitely reaching out to friend’s back in Brazil that I wouldn’t otherwise
L&L WOD 4rds + 3
w/ 12min time, 20lb for OH lunges and goblet squats, 35lb pull through
Great piece, really enjoying the programming!
For strength did 3×8 SA Arnold press @50lb, 3×16 DL @70lb, both with a slow down tempo
QOD – Ive been txt’ing with an ex-step sister who I have not seen or talked with in over 30 years. Her father and my Mother were together for about 8 years when we were kids. Funny how and why people reconnect.
Those bullet points… Do the Foxes have a camera installed in my house? (Except it’s the dog demanding steak.)
Just repping the less repped side of the eating spectrum- some of us lose our appetite when stressed, and losing weight like this and not eating enough is just as bad. I’ve lost a few pounds I can’t afford to lose last week – so if that’s you too, you’re not alone! I’ve been trying hard to keep a regular meal schedule to combat this, and make mealtimes feel more official and normal. Of course the exercise helps with the appetite too!!
Great 7 AM class again!
I finally weighed my adjustable DB properly and can confidently say that I did the work with 20# this morning. The 1-1/4 squats were shockingly hard!
3 + 21 in WOD with quadruped shoulder taps instead of DB drags. I just could not get the DB to work in any configuration on my floor — when I put it in a shirt to avoid scratching the floor, it just slid right off the shirt! Oh well.
QOD: Been trying to check in on my niece (she works at a hospital so crazytimes are even harder on her than the general population) and parents more often than I usually do. My parents live in a small apartment in a retirement home, and they’re now not even allowed outdoors.
!2pm virtual with Nick and Brittany.
3X10 goblet squats 35#kb
3×8 bicep curls 16# (2 8# db in a purse)
WOD: 3+ 2 pull throughs, I think
26#Overhead reverse Lunges = 2 8#db + 2 5#db in a purse. this is definitely feels more challenging than doing it with a 25# db. probably has something to do with the weight distribution.
Great workout today overall!
QOTD: I haven’t yet connected with someone I might not have before the distancing. I am talking to people more often than usual though.
Actually, I would have never been posting on here if it wasn’t for social distancing. So there’s that! 🙂
I did the WOD in 8 minutes flat. I’m covered in dog bites.
I played Scabble via facetime with my family which was a first and hopefully something we keep up after this passes. I’ve also been facetiming with Constance a couple times a week, shes doing well and sends her love!
Regarding nutrition in general, so far ive actually enjoyed basically having to put together every meal from my fridge. I track my macros so thats made it extremely easy to stay on top of. Territory meals are also really a lifesaver to break the routine, they’re doing home deliveries now.
I did impose a no eating after 11pm guideline for myself as thats when Ill most likey eat our of boredom and comfort. I’ve also learned its a bad idea to have a jar of almond butter in the apartment.
CONSTANCE!!!! Say hi from everyone, DO!
Locked and loaded today.
QOTD: a bunch of friends from elementary school- it’s been very nice.
some shoulder mobility work and D/U practice before the work:
3x10x -1.25 squats @40#
3x15ea side curls @10#.
metcon- 3 rounds plus 26 reps-
lunges and drags with 25#. Yikes, this was tough for me.
Definitely more cookies than usual, though I’m slowing that down. All about wanting something positive.
I did a virtual cocktail hour with some old graduate school buddies. For a bunch of PhDs, we sure got juvenile pretty fast.
12pm! This was my first actual workout since the biopsy, I’ve been walking lots super early in the morning for some sort of activity – and to avoid people, and had my butt handed to me. I did everything with a 17.5# DB matching the prescribed reps scheme and for the AMRAP only managed 2 rounds and had to slowly stop after starting the 3rd, my doctor told me to if I was hurting and I actually listened for once. Who knew boobs got in the way so much. Weh. I loved the washcloth tip for the pull-throughs! I used a soft tshirt and they were gliding like a hot knife through butter. I like that move and was happy to see it on the menu.
Blog QOTD-ish: My niece who is not on social media who lives on a farm 3 hours from town is who I am connecting with now most of all. She’s worried about me, I’m worried about her, we compare notes and she sends me photos of her cows. Its great.
Rogue QOTD from 12pm: Basically what ridiculous online purchase has the isolation pushed you to? I didn’t think I had done anything until after virtual class and saw the package of Peter Luger thick cut bacon in the fridge. DID YOU KNOW THEY SOLD BACON??? I wouldn’t buy it again, its alright, the package has FIVE slices but each slice is basically 4 regular slices stacked.
Nice to see all the faces today! Thanks Nick and Brittany!