Locked & Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 3.23.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
10 Alternating Squat Thoracic Rotations
6 Each Side Plank Rotations
8 DB/KB Upright Rows
A1) 3 x 6-12 Each 1-Arm High Pulls
A2) 3 x 8-12 Alternating Goblet Curtsy Squats
Get creative if needed!
3 Rounds:
4:00 Work, 2:00
10 Goblet Squats
15 Sit-Ups (or 10 Weighted Sit-Ups)
8 Each Quadruped 1-Arm Row
Moderately high, but repeatable intensity!
Cool Down
5 Each Leg Lunge PAILS and RAILS (:30 hold, 5×5 second activation each direction)
1:00-2:00 Each Leg Pigeon Pose
Post work to comments.
55+FIT Gym-less WOD 3.23.20
Warm Up
3-4 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
30 Jumping Jacks
10e Direction Wide Stance Hip Circles
10e Wide Stance Forward Bend to Backward Bend
10e Leg Up and Overs
:20 Reverse Bridge Plank
4-5 Sets of Each:
6-12 Thumbs Up Shoulder Raises
6-12 Shoulder Presses
6-12 Split Squats (or Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats), Each Leg
Use whatever you have on hand (dumbbells, cans, purses, tote bags, etc.) for the Lateral Raises and Shoulder Presses. Perform the split squats next to a wall as needed for balance. Elevate the rear foot and/or hold onto a weight to make them more challenging.
Every 3:00 for 5 Sets:
9 Squats (or Chair Squat-to-Stands)
12 Sit -ps
15 Push-Ups (or 12e Shoulder Taps)
12 Sit-Ups
9 Squats
Work at a fast pace. Rest after the second set of Squats until the next 3:00 mark, working at 0:00, 3:00, 6:00, 9:00, and 12:00.
Post work to comments.
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Cam C.’s neighbor captured her getting a remote roof workout in. Busted! We’d love to post photos and videos of you and your family getting your home workouts in. Send stuff to Josh [at] CrossFitSouthBrooklyn.com.
CFSBK Virtual Classes for Kids and Adults
Our virtual class offerings continue today with Locked & Loaded classes at 7am and 12pm! You’ll have to sign up and download the Zoom app to whatever device you’re using, so be sure to do that ahead of time. Once you’ve done that just go HERE to access all classes.
Here’s the rest of our schedule:
Monday 3/23
7am Locked & Loaded w/ Lauren
12pm Locked & Loaded w/ Chris
Tuesday 3/24
7am Locked & Loaded w/ Jess
12pm Locked & Loaded w/ Keith
6pm Locked & Loaded w/ Brittany
Wednesday 3/25
7am Locked & Loaded w/ Whitney
12pm Locked & Loaded w/ Nick
Thursday 3/26
6pm Mat Pilates w/ Frank
Virtual Kids Classes Start Today!
Starting today, we’ll also begin offering virtual CFSBK Kids classes this week to get those kiddos moving! Here’s what we’re offering:
Monday, 3/23
4:30pm Preteens and Teens (Ages 8 – 18)
Tuesday, 3/24
4:30pm Kids (Ages 5 – 7)
Wednesday, 3/25
4:30pm Preteens and Teens (Ages 8 – 18)
Thursday, 3/26
4:30pm Kids (Ages 5 – 7)
These will run on a separate Zoom meeting. Please email Coach Lynsey at cfsbkkids@gmail.com for more info.
Question of the Day
What would you like to know about our coaches?
What The Next 18 Months Can Look Like, If Our Leaders Buy Us Time Medium
Rogue Joins the Fight Against COVID-19 Morning Chalk Up
Thanks Foxes for a great 7 AM class!
High pulls with 23# (I think? I have an adjustable DB and I’m not 100% sure what the handle weighs) x8
Curtsy squats 40#x8. Tough!
Did the workout with bent-over row instead of quadruped since the plates make the adjustable DB quite tall. Bettered my score every round, so yay!
QOD for any coach who wants to answer: What’s something that has surprised you about being a coach?
i still occasionally get nervous running DROMs on my first class of the day. I dont know if anybody remembers #shycoachkatie but there were some good memz of me fumbling at the whiteboard with a nervous rash before i gained some confidence. good times good times.
Shout out to fellow neighbor Kate W. for finding this gem at least my form was ok lol!
Is fishing indoors or online allowed by NY law?
Vinny diesel
I will accept that answer!!
Also acceptable!!!!! But also prob the right answer!!
Monday 55+ Sue Wong Cohen and myself did our WOD at our usual class time. It was tough! Some might say brutal 🙂 Total of 60 sit ups in our conditioning. I used a throw pillow as an ab mat. Great workout! Trish Buckley and Sue Wong Cohen
10AM-ish (not Amish) class locked and loaded.
3X 8 ea side rows and curtsies at 25#
Metcon: 40# KB for the squats and 25# db for rows
3+6, 3+10, 3+16.
QOTD: what’s the hardest movement to teach and correct for coaches?
ack. those are 2+6, 2+10, 2+16, not 3.
terrrrrk-ish gitupz.
DUs and Ring MUs! When you don’t “get them”, they are hard to teach!
Once again, thank you for the virtual workouts. I’m perfectly capable of doing it on my own but together is so much better!
QOTD: What do coaches eat for breakfast and at what time?
12:00 Zoom with Lynsey and Lauren:
20#DB for superset
3×6 high pulls
3×12 curtsy squats
Same 20#DB for the WOD:
1st- 2 rounds
2nd-2 rounds plus 5
3rd- 2 rounds plus 15 (clearly I was saving myself…)
Nice cooldown! I’ll be doing more of that!
Thanks all!!
i legitimately eat the same exact egg sandwich almost every day. eating time varies depending on when i start in the AM.
3 eggz
1 tablespoon of butter
make a hole in the bread
put egg in hole of bread (2 slices of whatever fresh bread i buy for the week)
throw in spinach for good measure
I call my breakfast “egg hole” at this point but i think its also called “pig in the eye” and other things.
Pig in the EYE? What? huh?!!!!!
I don’t understand…I want to understand…
I think it’s toad in the hole
3 eggs, 3 egg whites, 2 slices turkey bacon, handful of raw spinach, omelette style, throw on mashed avocado.
Time varies but these days its been about 11am. No need to eat right away!
Basically everyday
3 eggs
Mario and Ricardos tortilla
hot sauce
whey protein scoop + chocolate almond milk
basically everyday. With black coffee usually when the world is open but now that its closed I havent bothered to make a cup of coffee.
12pm virtual class with Lindsey and Lauren.
QOTD for the coaches: What has been the most valuable lesson you learned by doing CrossFit?
Putting my light dumbbells in a bag for the single arm high pulls was a revelation! thanks for the tip!
21# high pulls and curtsy squats
best round was the last round. Took me a bit to get used to the quadruped 1 arm row.
Thank you to all the coaches for leading the virtual classes! You are all so amazing at what you do!
valuable lesson: i think that learning the art of pacing has gotten me way further in crossfit than i could have ever expected. Every combo of movements/time domains are unique, so taking the time to record/reflect on those things has helped me compete in the sport of crossfit better than many people who are by the books more talented than me. I have learned to work smarter not harder. And i think thats cool. Pacing applies to patience in training as well, learning to pump the breaks when i need to has been a very difficult concept for me in the past. But i’ve been really proud of how i am handling my latest injury and am finally almost out of the woods!
Thank you so much for these virtual classes.
I definitely would not do these on my own.
My QOTD: Do you prefer cash or gift certificates?
9:30am L&L class (with Thaisa today!)
2rds and change every time – a little less on the first round as we were figuring shit out. Thaisa used the same weights as me – such a badass. Fun workout, glad I’m not running the 5k today 🙂
Hey All!
I didn’t do L&L, but modeled my at-home workout after it!
20 min yoga flow, morning stretch, and CARs
4 sets:
12 ea SAHP @ 20#
16 alternating goblet curtsy sqt @ 20, 30#
3 sets:
8 ea waiter squat @ 31×1 @ 16kg
8 ring rows (hung off at-home pull-up bar!) @ 21×3
EMOM x 16 with Brett! (he did x 20 min)
A. :40 ring plank
B 12 alternating cossacks
C 6 mixed grip strict pull/chin-ups
D 9 cal row
Quick personal answers to the questions…
What’s something that has surprised you about being a coach?
–How nervous I still get at the whiteboard sometimes, even after many years.
–nice try, Cam!
what’s the hardest movement to teach and correct for coaches?
–hmm… I’m gonna go with those Ice-Cream-Makers because I cannot for the life of me do one and it feels like a certain amount of magic is required in order to execute correctly.
(just kidding… I know it’s actually just massive amounts of strength and tension that I haven’t developed yet!)
What do coaches eat for breakfast and at what time?
-it varies for me! A frequent favorite is steel cut oats + 2 fried eggs + a veggie (like a big handful of spinach wilted in or leftover roasted broccoli, for example) with an americano. And usually before work, which would be 6:30-7:30am range usually. But today… it was red lentil veggie curry + 2 eggs + avocado at 10:30am after a morning workout!
What has been the most valuable lesson you learned by doing CrossFit?
-With consistency and patience, seemingly impossible things become possible.
Do you prefer cash or gift certificates?
-Lotto tickets, Lizzie 😉
Christine and I did L&L on zoom
(You guys are doing a great job with the on line classes)
Class Qod: something you are enjoying while isolating. New Mac Miller posthumous album “Circles,” groovy chill melancholy.
30lb kB curtsy lunges, 20lb kB upright rows
2+rounds each time. 30lb kB squat, 10lb dB sit up and row.
Seven am L and L was a great way to start the day! Thanks coaches
noon L&L was great. I think all of the gym things I have ordered have worked out (ie I was very happy to have an ab & yoga mat today)
Did all of the things with my 30lb dumbbell that is apparently my only friend now. I may eventually paint a face on it castaway style. Subbed bent over row instead of the quadruped row because no. Ended up with 2 rounds, 2 + 10 situps, 2 + 15 situps through each round