Locked and Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 3.21.20
Warm Up
3-4 Rounds:
10 Alternating Spider Mans (Spider Men? in place or moving)
10 Alternating Prone Scorpions
10 Boot Straps
10 Jumping Air Squats
3 Rounds with 4:00 Rest at a Repeatable Pace (moderate intensity)…
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
1:00 Run/Bike/Row/Stairs/Mountain climbers/Jumping jacks/whatever you have!
5 Hang Squat Clean Thrusters (each arm)
10 V-Ups or Tuck Ups
15 Russian Kettlebell/Dumbbell Swings
20 Russian Twists (with or without weight)
Post work to comments.
Brittnastics WOD 3.21.20
Ankle PAILs and RAILs
Hip Internal Rotation Stretch
3 Rounds of:
5 Feet Together Squats
10 Heel Walks
Strength and/or Endurance Testing
Option 1: For those who don’t have Pistol Squats but want your first one! Test your Pistol Squat by Squatting as low as you can with control on each leg. Use an object as a height marker (chair, stack books, a step, etc). Over the course of the next weeks, we will work mobility and strength to increase your range of motion in hopes to get that 1st ever elusive Pistol!
Option 2: If you are consistent with Pistol Squats and perform Pistol Squats in metcons regularly at CFSBK, then perform 20-30 pistol squats for time.
Strength Work
Option 1: (Those without pistols)
A1) 4 x 8-10 on each leg Shrimp Squats with :03 eccentric; perform one leg then the other
A2) 4 x 12-15 Reverse Crunches or 4 x 3-5 Candlestick Rolls
Option 2 (Those who tested 20-30 for time):
A1) 4 x 6-8 Pistols Squats per leg @ a 3111 tempo; perform one leg then the other
A2) 4 x 15 Reverse Crunches or 4 x 3-5 Candlestick Rolls
Pistols can be performed to a target but if you’re performing to a target, I prefer you are at least parallel depth.
Gymnastics Conditioning
Burpee Capacity Continued
3 x 10 (rest :45 as fast as possible but consistent)
3 x 6 (rest :30)
3 x 4 (rest :10 between sets)
Total volume: 60 burpees
4 x 15 (Rest :45)
3 x 10 (Rest :30)
4 x 5 (as fast as possible, :10 rest between sets)
Total volume: 110 burpees
If you tested the 75 option, feel free to cut a little bit of volume here (such as 4 x 12, 3 x 8, 4 x 5).
We will be increasing the volume and decreasing the rest in order to increase capacity before retesting. Perform however you did your testing; so if you tested with squat thrusts perform as squat thrusts. If you tested with jumping to a target, perform with jumping to target
Ab Finisher
Option 1:
Add 1 rep to whatever you did on Day 1’s ab complex…
10 V-Ups
10 Straddle Ups
10 Hollow Rocks
Rest :30-:45 x 4-5 rounds
Option 2:
10 Seated Pike Ups
10 Single-Leg Glute Bridge (each)
10 Straight Leg Sit-Ups
Rest :30-:60 x 3-4 rounds
Post work to comments.
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Best dressed (and socially distanced) coaches, Coach Katie and Coach Keith. It’s been so great to actually get to see some of your smiling and sweaty faces again at our virtual classes. We’re working hard to adapt and evolve our programs to this new set of circumstances. Stay tuned for more to come!
Join Our Virtual Class Today
Our virtual classes continue today with Locked and Loaded at 10am with Coach Whit! See below to find out what you can expect through the end of this coming week.
You’ll have to sign up and download the Zoom app to whatever device you’re using, so be sure to do that ahead of time. Once you’ve done that just go HERE to access all classes.
Saturday 3/21
10am Locked & Loaded w/ Whitney
Sunday 3/22
10am Active Recovery w/ Chris
Monday 3/23
7am Locked & Loaded w/ Lauren
12pm Locked & Loaded w/ Chris
Tuesday 3/24
7am Locked & Loaded w/ Jess
12pm Locked & Loaded w/ Keith
6pm Locked & Loaded w/ Brittany
Wednesday 3/25
7am Locked & Loaded w/ Whitney
12pm Locked & Loaded w/ Nick
Thursday 3/26
6pm Mat Pilates w/ Frank
Question of the Day
What Instagram account has made you laugh recently?
3 Strategies Every Lifter Can Use to Stay Productive at Home BarBend
What You’re Feeling Is Plague Dread The Atlantic
Hi all! In an attempt to give back to our community, Brad & I are contributing to the lunch operations at CHIPS this coming Friday. CHIPS needs to feed 200 people; our goal is to feed at least 50 of those meals. We would love your help! If you are interested in contributing food/resources, please reach out at 732-687-1168. If you have kids at home that need an activity, we would love to include notes & drawings to an anonymous recipient with the theme of “we’re all in this together”.
Thanks coaches for running the awesome 10 AM!
I’m not on IG but I think the kid who does I’ve Pet That Dog on Twitter is also on IG. Who doesn’t need more cute dogs?
Hello Crossfit Kids coaches – any thoughts about doing a “Locked & Loaded” for the teens? I have two in the house, and they could use the exercise, and need some motivation. Although only one of them is likely to show up. 20% on the other one.
Wow, REALLY loved taking class this AM. We’re going to work on our setup so we can try to see more of you, but it made a big difference vs. doing the workouts on our own. Particularly loved Brett holding the clock in the frame. 🙂 Thanks so much to both of you and to the whole coaching staff for getting this set up.
QOTD: I only really have fashion influencers on my IG, so it’s been weird seeing them trying to adjust to the new normal. 🙁 I’ll be checking the blog today for more inspiration on who to follow. But I’m loving Chris Fox’s feed; thanks for the calm and motivation!
Sabrina! It was great to see you guys this morning.
Haha… as part of our de-brief after the class, one of the first things we said to each other is that we need to rig a little stand up to hold the clock in front of the computer. #learningcurve We’ll get there! 😉
One of my favorite IG accounts for the moment (but also always) is… @animalsdoingthings
QOTD – I somehow ended up at the page for a Facebook Watch show called “The Real Bros of Simi Valley” – https://www.instagram.com/therealbrosofsimivalley/ . I’m an east coast lifer, but this absolutely slayed me.
Brittnastics Saturday for me. The warmup was for sure the best pistol prep I’ve ever done, made the 30 for time and tempo work way easier than I thought, so many thanks to Brittany!
30 pistols in 1:15. Accessory strength stuff completed (again, warmup killed it) Burpee intervals skipped after doing 10×20 w/ 90 seconds rest on Tuesday in favor of going on a run in like 30 minutes. I respectfully decline to add reps to the already savage ab finisher.
Thankful for the wod and the equipment!
Did today’s with double understand, 35# dB thrusters and 24kg swings. Did all the abs on my picnic table bench which means the damn thing is finally getting some use! 🙂
Double understand? So much clarity from my quarantine apparently. ***unders
QOTD: tpsmith22 makes me laugh pretty regularly
Brittnastics this afternoon during Zachary’s nap. Realized how hot the sun is as it reflects into our apartment during the afternoon 🥵
30 pistols in 2:28. Been a while for these and it showed.
3 sets of 6 for tempo work. My form went to shit that third round so skipped the fourth.
Advances burpees in 9:48. Definitely need to Lysol the mat.
4 sets of 5 for the cash out. Don’t know how anyone can do 10. My glut med really cramped up on right side in the saddle ups.
10AM Group Class with Whit and Brett!! Thank you for this!
1 minute jump rope then 25# clusters and 18K swings:
3 rounds+1
I’ll need some active recovery tomorrow
Qod: I must be doing IG wrong cause none of my stuff is funny. I do like vintageguitarnerds for guitar players who want to drool over stuff they’ll never own.
10am zoom Locked and Loaded with Whit.
30# KB. Did single arm swings. Got 2 rounds plus about 30 seconds of rowing each time. Really happy to have this in my day. Thank you CFSB.
These are all killer, no filler.
10am in person was awesome!
QOTD: http://instagram.com/bagdogs (the history is amazing, it’s less active now that people aren’t carrying their dogs around in bags as much)
Round 1: 2 rounds + 1 minute cardio
Round 2: 2 rounds + 1 minute cardio
Round 3: 2 rounds + 6 hang squat cleans
Locked & Loaded WOD with run @80-85% RPE
2+2 HSCT @20kg kb
2+2 HSCT
2+6 HSCT
Felt good to be outside today. The day goes by so quick now!
I loved our Zoom workout today! Thanks Whit & Brett!
1, 2, 3: All 2 Rounds + Cardio
30lb DB, 18KG KB, and Row
Excited for more!
Thanks team.