Locked and Loaded WOD Whiteboard Explanation 3.20.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds for Quality:
10 Alternating 1-Arm Crossbody Toe Touches
10 Prone Black Burns
20 Push-Up Shoulder Taps|
20 Hollow Dead Bugs
3 x 6-12 1-Arm Strict Press
If your dumbbell or kettlebell is too heavy to press, use a household object that is an appropriate weight. A jug of water, a can of beans, whatever makes sense and allows you to perform the movement appropriately. Have fun with it! Post your innovations!
AMRAP 5 Minutes:
1 Arm Kettlebell/Dumbbell Hang Snatch
Switch arms when needed, but keep reps equal on each side. Rest as needed. If Kettlebell Snatches are a no go for you, go with Kettlebell Clean and press.
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Fit 55+ Gym-less WOD 3.20.20 Explanation
Warm Up
3 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
10e Direction Hip Circles
10 Standing Alternating Toes Reaches (place foot in front and reach
5e Arm Circles (each direction and each arm)
10e Fist Circles
4-5 Alternating Sets of Each:
8-12 Push Up + Shoulder Taps (Modify as needed to hands on a stable elevated surface—couch, dining table, park bench, etc.)
:20e Side Plank (Modify to bent knees as needed)
8-12e Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts (Add a weight if you have one, or do them near a wall for balance as needed)
For Quality and Enjoyment (!):
30 Minute Walk/Jog
If you’re outside then every other corner or every 2 minutes, alternate performing:
5e Standing Knee Raises + 5e Standing Side Bend Stretches
Option to scale up by wearing a weighted backpack or carrying a weighted bag/object with you!
If you’re staying indoors, spend 20-30 minutes walking from end to end/room to room in your apartment, performing the exercises above when you get into each room or every 2 minutes or so. Same options to wear a weighted backpack or carry a weighted bag!
Post work to comments.
Jack into The Matrix with CFSBK
Virtual CFSBK Classes Start Today!
Starting TODAY you can take virtual classes with your favorite coaches and fellow CFSBKers at the days and times listed below. These classes will meet via Zoom and will follow the Locked & Loaded programming unless otherwise specifically noted. Classes will last around 45 minutes (we think!) and will end with a little extra credit cool down or assistance work of the coaches choice. Of course you can do the workouts whenever you want by following the programming, but why not do it with the group!
You’ll have to sign up and download the Zoom app to whatever device you’re using, so be sure to do that ahead of time. Once you’ve done that just go HERE to access all classes.
Friday 3/20
7am Locked & Loaded w/ Jess
12pm Locked & Loaded w/ Katie
Saturday 3/21
10am Locked & Loaded w/ Whitney
Sunday 3/22
10am Active Recovery w/ Chris
Monday 3/23
7am Locked & Loaded w/ Lauren
12pm Locked & Loaded w/ Chris
Tuesday 3/24
7am Locked & Loaded w/ Jess
12pm Locked & Loaded w/ Keith
6pm Locked & Loaded w/ Brittany
Wednesday 3/25
7am Locked & Loaded w/ Whitney
12pm Locked & Loaded w/ Nick
Thursday 3/26
6pm Mat Pilates w/ Frank
Question of the Day
For Now, You Can Still Take Your Kids Outside Outside
Life in the Containment Zone Scientific American
I thought I’d been doing very well this week but genuinely choked up seeing the video with the coaches and the whiteboard. Choked up seeing the whiteboard! Strange days but underlines the role this place plays in so many lives. My best to the whole community and staff, and thank you.
Thanks Jason!! We miss everyone!!
So great to see everyone on Zoom this morning!!
Tough QOD actually, I might almost say the first thing is a soft mat or a door wedge pull-up bar.. or maybe a Dumbbell. just, all of those things.
Got a total of 50 snatches, alternating five per arm. The last few were heavy. Did the presses with a 25 lb kettlebell filly style with 20 kilo kb on other arm. Felt okay for the first overhead work in a while. Thanks again for the programming!
7am Virtual class with Jess – great class Jess!
MetCon 74 reps with 24kg KB
QOD – Pull-Up Bar with TRX attachment – ok, that’s two things
Thank you Jess for leading us at 7 AM!
I used the adjustable DB, loaded to 25#ish, and did sets of 10 on the press with a 2-second tempo down since that’s on the light side for me. I might have tried shorter sets with the 40# DB but I was not going to carry THAT to the park 😛
I think I got 81 snatches? I totally counted, but forgot the number during cooldown!
QOTD: Name a local business you’d like to support that’s still open during this craziness.
My answer: I tried the apple strudel at Die Stammkneipe in Fort Greene two nights ago and it was pretty great. It’s mostly apple, not pastry, so I’m telling myself it’s good for me?
Oh! I totally missed the ACTUAL question of the day. Derp.
This question is reminding me that we have a pullup bar at home. Can’t kip on it, but I sure as hell am going to do some chinups!
ALSO: Please do my crossword in the USA Today! Unlike a lot of my puzzles, it’s easy peasy! https://puzzles.usatoday.com/
Excellent, I’ve been looking forward to your puzzle!
I managed to strain my toe a couple nights ago during the WOD– feels like that episode of the Twilight Zone where the guy finally has time to read, and breaks his glasses. Big facepalm for me and the iron roommate. Anyone have any recs for recovery/workouts that isolate the feet/lower body so I can avoid that toe?
Might still log into Zoom to wave– thanks for doing all this, coaches/team!
Did 2×8@50# (2 sets of eight? ) and 1×6+1@50# presses (ran out of steam in that last set).
Then 44 in 5:00 at 50#. Had more in me; I was was trying to do sets of 10 EMOMs without being able to look at the clock (Franklin was using it to watch YouTube after yelling at me to “go pop! Go now!”). I got pretty close before he screamed at me to “stop” like I was running a red light.
Loved the warmups. Franklin joined in and we did 2 rounds together, until my toddler, Sam, crawled under my arms during the dead bugs and wrapped himself around my head. I completed the rest with restricted ROM while he laughed like it tickled.
Cool down was getting the kids showered and food shopping. Yours was much better.
I love having two QOTD’s! Its like when Sally gets tossed into the mix at the end of a workout. You’re suprised and then all oh yeahhhh.
SBK QOTD: An abmat to keep my tushie safe.
MEMBER QOTD: Quarter Bar in Greenwood. They are still open with takeaway booze. Wine, cocktails, quarts of beer.
I have good news to share in a time when good news is a bit rare. I had an emergency dr. appt a few weeks ago, I discovered a lump. Because insurance rules I had to see my doctor to get a prescription for a mammogram – she’s really mean I love her so much, and she pulled strings and got me into Perlmutter Cancer Center two days later for a diagnostic mammo and ultrasound. Turns out the right side where I found the lump was not a concern but the left was. Enough so that they booked me into a biopsy which I had on Tuesday. Let me tell you traveling into the city these past weeks and seeing the population decline was bonkers. I had no idea what the procedure was going to entail and it was pretty terrible and scary but the staff was, and is, incredible and helped me get through it. My doctor just called and… BENIGN! Yeah! I’m to see a specialist in May and now its mammo’s twice a year for maintenance but I’m free and clear. My WOD today is happy dancing all over the place slowly as I’m still not allowed to run around. So excited for Monday 7am with Lauren!
Beaming all the joy I’m feeling right now to each and every one of you! <3 <3 <3
Nothing about mammograms is fun. The actual doing of them, the waiting for the results…terrible. Glad yours came out with a happy answer!
I told the doctor after it was done, she assured me they did not use a McDonald’s straw to extract samples, that I now have a better understanding of what a fish feels like getting hooked on a line. She looked at me and I swear to blob said “that’s pretty accurate.” I’m so happy right now and am hugging you with my mind, Stella!
JB I’m so happy. Thank you so much for sharing that great news with us!! xoxo
Cathy! Thank you and big hugs! This was too good of news to keep private :))) Hope you feel better soon! xo
Best news I’ve heard in a while!!!!
Yay! I had to share because actual good news right now. We’re gonna celebrate with fitness juice sooner rather than later, Robert! ᕙ (° ~ ° ~)
Fitness juice? Isn’t that just called sweat?
Yay JB!!! Thanks for sharing the good news! Have fun dancing!
Maria! Big hugs! I did extra dance steps just for you and they were really outstanding. xox
Love to hear such great news!
I’ve had a great day, it was weighing on me hard, hooray for good news! Whew. xo
That news made my day, JB! Happy dancing here for you.
Aww yay, Mike! I could feel your magical happy dancing energy up here in good ol Crown Heights. Miss you!
QOD – One thing? A medium-heavy kettlebell. Luckily I’m a fitness nerd and have a few more things, and discovered we can do pull ups from the steel beams that “decorate” our apartment 🙂
WOD – 84 reps with 45# DB
Member QOD – I’m trying to be personally responsible and practice social distancing as best as possible, which for me means no non-essential purchases, buuuuut I purchased a gift card from Renegades Of Sunset and coffee from Tin Cup and Baked In Brooklyn, and will also do one of Palo Santo’s take out meals. Two other restaurants we’ve been going to for a decade wouldn’t even sell them to us, explaining that they didn’t feel confident they’d be able to reopen when (?) this is over. Restaurant staff, especially the back of house, are particularly vulnerable in a crisis like this for a few reasons: wages are generally low so many live basically paycheck to paycheck, health insurance is a rarity, many are undocumented, and there are not many (if any) other jobs and resources to turn to.
Question to the many CFSBK healthcare workers we have in the community – Other than staying our asses at home, how can regular folks like me best support you all?
My niece is a hospital pharmacist in Philadelphia. I sent her a gift card for Postmates and she was THRILLED.
I have a friend who’s an ER doctor at Mount Sinai (!!!!!!) and I would LOVE to do something for her. I texted her husband (no way in hell I’m going to bother her right now) and offered free babysitting or to drop off a home cooked meal, but he said no way — they are at higher risk of getting the virus than gen pop and he was like “no no no please stay home!”
I think Seamless or Postmates gift cards might be the way to go. My doctor friend’s husband also mentioned that the hospital is overwhelmed and is looking for help from people with 3D printers who are willing to print masks. See here: https://twitter.com/travispew/status/1240799624585240582
Yesterday I started to feel blech with what is likely the miserable cold Brian had last week. In an abundance of caution I am holed up in the bedroom but may still log into the 12.00 to see kharps get up. Missed out on a work-out at the playground with Sasha, Lizzie, and Sara but hope to join them soon.
QOTD if a coach can’t be considered a piece of equipment, I’d choose an erg
CFSBK qotd: 12k or 16K kettlebell.
Stella qotd: trying to order from storefront type places like Fatty Daddy Taco.
1000 m row plus the warmups.
1×8 ea side @20# db
2×8 ea side @ 30# db
1×6 ea side @40# kb.
Metcon- 80 reps with a 30# db.
cooled down with d/u practice- trying to get 100 d/u’s total. 12 sets today, max reps 23.
QOTD: is a grill considered workout equipment?
The zoom classes are amazing! It feels great to see everyone. Xoxoxo
QOD: I have a decent amount of equipment (turns out I own 4 different jump ropes 😳)but I’ve always wanted a TRX
Did noon virtual class. Super fun too see everyone and much more fun to do it with others even if virtually.
3X10 strict presses with 20# DB
Snatches with the same DB:
80 reps
Still working on the CARS!
JB, such great news!
First virtual class this morning with about a dozen or so actual participants and a few lurkers. ;). Thanks to everyone for bearing with me as I’m trying to figure out this new way of doing things. It was so refreshing to see your faces!
I had a client in the park at 11am then took the 12pm class. Not gonna lie, half-assed the warmup and probably only did one round. I’m also really sore from all the gymnastics work yesterday!
-Strict DB Press at 25# 12reps, then 8-8
-WOD: 87 reps with 16kg KB snatches. All as 5 per arm. Did the first 30 without setting the KB down and then realized I was making it harder than necessary.
-Cool down: farmers and front rack carrying said equipment back to the car.
Fun times! Thanks Katie and Keith!
QOD: I guess a 16kg KB.
I was a lurker! Sorry if that was creepy. I just miss everyone and really wanted to see you all but I was still in my PJs. I promise to turn on my camera for tomorrow’s 10 am so you can all check out my (in progress) #corona-beard.
QOTD: A 16 kg kettlebell from Pavel himself was my first fitness equipment purchase, so I will go with that.
QOTD: a pull-up bar with rings attached (does this count as two things?) but have been very pleasantly surprised at the amount of variety in programming with just a dumbbell and some space! Thanks again to everyone providing the programming and to David especially for the foster program.
Did 3 x 6 with my 35# which was tough but rewarding as I didn’t think I’d hit 3 sets of 6 when I “warmed up” with sets of 3 at 35#.
104 hang snatches with the 35# DB, stuck with 10s unbroken until 100 and was bummed I couldn’t see my timer because I definitely could have gone straight through if I knew how little time I had left – will retest!
Did some DUs to finish up – want to get 100 unbroken but it wasn’t in the cards today.
Haven’t done the workout yet? Come to the playground between Lincoln and Berkeley/5th and 6th at 5pm. I will be carrying Mike I. and his dumbbell.
Zoom class was ❤️. Appreciate it!
QOTD: I am getting a yoga mat tomorrow which I am far too excited about. Probably an erg and the space for said erg?
Strength: Started at 12 per side @ 30lb, which was a mistake, and ended up at 8, which was less of a mistake
WOD: Got through 112 with a 30lb dumbbell
L and L after Brittnastics yesterday meant that those warmup pushups were VERY warm 🥵
Strict press: 3 x 6 @ 16kg kb
AMRAP: 50 @ 16kg kb
Clearly it’s a 16kg kettlebell 😅. Next would be a door mounted pull-up bar.
See you all here tomorrow. And shout out to JB for judging me to post in the comments
I suppose if you hit yourself in the head on the snatch then there’s a little something wrong with your form, eh? 😉 (I’m fine).
Nice workout. Miss the gym but appreciated the vid. Happy friday all!
Hey CFSBK Fam!
I had a great time hopping on the 7am virtual class this morning with Coach Jess, who did such a great job of leading us on this new frontier 🙂
76 snatches @ 30#DB
After not lifting any weights for 3+ weeks, that bad boy was feeling REAL heavy!
QOTD: 16kg KB
As for supporting local business… as soon as we got back in the country we got some sammy’s and coffee beans from the coffee shop on our corner, Southside. Lived in my place for 11 years and they’ve been here the whole time…
+10000000 on Southside! Same for us being at our place for 13 years and having it right there with the best bunsssssss (moreso there for the banana choc chip bread)
Christine and I did noon zoom class. Pretty great! As class was ending we realized we had camera disabled. Learning curve.
Press 30lb 12,10,10
WOD: 20lb kB 114reps
Qod: I have a pretty well equipped home gym. It’s the motivation and expertise I lack, so the zoom class is perfect.
QOTD: A rack with a pull-up bar would probably be the first purchase, followed very quickly by some purchases of barbells and such.
Took home a 50# DB, went 6 x 3 on the press. Got through 58 snatches for the WOD
Cashed out with a 20 x 3 alternating bicep curls with the weights Cam brough home. I foresee a whole lot of arm accessory work in my near future…
QOTD: a 25# or 30# db would be really helpful.
I did the Fit 55 workout today. Currently, at home, I have 5lb db, 8lb db, and 16kg kettlebell, so today’s locked and loaded was not totally possible.
Warm up: felt really good! I added some elbow CARs to each round
Strength: 4 sets, made use of the kb for the SLRD.
Conditioning: stopping every other corner to do the side stretches and knee raises made the jog much easier. Got a phone call mid way through, so it turned into a walk, so that made the jog even easier!
Had a fun time doing this today! Doubling up this one plus the 3/21 gymnastics WOD since I didn’t do a workout yesterday.
Got a solid 90 reps with a 35# dumbbell in the 5 min Amaral. Did sets of10 with the last at 5 each due to ticking clock.
My cat thought I was crazy.
For the QOD: squat rack!! Of course with a barbell and some weights… I miss squats ☹️
Sadly missed the first round of classes today because of work even though usual partner gave me FOMO by doing noon class outside while I was on Zoom for less fun things. Did the presses in front of the TV later: 25#x3x8 just on left side. 🙁
6 mile walk with E instead of 5 min. WOD. Counts, right?
Missing y’all, loving the blog.