Road Warriors Endurance Workout Whiteboard Explanation 3.19.20
Warm Up
General Movement Prep (shoulder/hip circles, leg swings front/back and side to side, alternating toe touches, standing quad stretch, calf march, standing cross legged forward fold, world’s greatest stretch)
Easy 200-400m Jog
2x through: 15m (~50ft) of each of the following (walk back to start): Bunny Hops, High Knees, Butt Kickers, Lateral Shuffle, Carioca, Broad Jumps
8x: 100m Run, 100m Walk/Rest
Use the first 2 as extended warm up to build in intensity. Goal is fairly consistent splits after that. It’s ok to estimate the 100m (or about :20-:30 of work, rest as you slowly walk back to start).
Cool Down
6 Minutes of Post-Workout Yoga
Mostly standing and perfect right after this work… and it’s only 6 minutes! Here’s proof that I did it!
Post work to comments.
Brittnastics WOD 3.19.20
Warm Up
Wrist Extension PAILs & RAILs
3 Rounds:
3 Slow Swimmer’s Hovers
6 Yoga Push-Ups
Superset Option 1:
A1) Tall Plank
Beginner: :30
Intermediate: :45
Advanced: 1:00
A2) :10-:15 Bottom of Push-Up Hold
Beginner/intermediate: use chair, railing, etc. to modify body load.
Rest :60 x 3-4 rounds
Superset Option 2:
A1) :20 Wall Facing Handstand Hold
A2) :10-:20 Bottom of Headstand Hold
Rest :60 x 3-4 rounds
Handstand modifications (also Pike Handstand on a Box/Bed/Chair)
Headstand modifications
Pressing Strength:
5 x 3-5 Eccentric Only Push-Ups with :03-:05 Eccentric.
Rest :60 between sets
Beginner: Modified Push-Up (knees, hands on chair) or regular Push-Up
Intermediate: knees or feet on elevated object
Advanced: feet on high object or on wall (kick up to wall)
Beginner: 50 Burpees for time
Intermediate: 75 Burpees for time
Advanced: 100 Burpees for time or 100 Burpees to 6 inch target for time
Core Accessory/Finisher:
10 V-Ups
10 Straddle Ups
10 Hollow Rocks
Repeat for 4 sets. Rest :45 seconds between sets
Can be modified to any number that allows you to go unbroken for the 3 movements. See video.
Post work to comments.
Introducing Home Gymnastics Workouts with Coach Brittany… aka “Brittnastics”
By Brittany Bolella
Hey all! I hope you’ll join me in working on your gymnastics in the next several weeks. The first workout is posted above! Day 1 (Thursdays) will be upper body pressing focused (think Push-Ups, Handstand Push-Ups, Handstands) and Day 2 (Saturdays) of the week will be lower body pressing focused (think Air Squats and Pistols). We will be testing Burpee capacity as conditioning (the Burpee is a CrossFit gymnastics movement), and I’m also considering an option for either Pistol strength or endurance testing on Day 2.
Thanks so much for coming along for the ride! It’s so important for you all to maintain a sense of normalcy during these uncertain times, and it’s also important for us in the fitness industry to do so by continuing to work as much as possible. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me at brittany [at] or via Instagram to ask questions as well as tag me in your videos! Thanks so much guys!
Starting tomorrow you can take virtual classes with your favorite coaches and fellow CFSBKers at the days and times listed below. These classes will meet via Zoom and will follow the Locked & Loaded programming unless otherwise specifically noted. Classes will last around 45 minutes (we think!) and will end with a little extra credit cool down or assistance work of the coaches choice. Of course you can do the workouts whenever you want by following the programming, but why not do it with the group!!!
Coronavirus and the CrossFit Community: A Call to Action Morning Chalk Up
At the Front Lines of Coronavirus, Turning to Social Media NY Times
Hey folks, greetings from Colorado. I drove down to CO starting Monday; it was quite an epic road trip. The empty rest stops on I-80 were something else. It was pretty zombie movie-ish. I miss you all terribly, and wish I could be attending group class. I’m glad to be here with family, trying to keep things normal while being cooped up at home. Sad I missed out on attending a kettlebell, but I’m hoping I can follow some of the programming and get out for some hiking to keep from going stir-crazy. Many, many hugs to all of you; I’m there in spirit, sending healing vibes to everyone. Please be safe; I look forward to seeing everyone soon on my return.
👋🏼 Samir!
Samir! Stay safe. all good vibes back at you.
Samir!!! Much love to you and Noor and Ayana! Miss you guys already!! Hugs over here!!!
Thanks for checking in Samir!!!
Love you Samir! Big hugs to all three of you! Please let Ayana know that she is right, the chocolate sea-salt Rx bars really are the best. <3
Hiiiiiiii Samir!
9:30am single class
My legs are mad sore from Tuesdays work, so I did my own active recovery thing today.
Warm-up with a bit of rowing and moving around
Strength Superset
3×8-10 DB bench press 3s down tempo 50lbs
10 erg pike ups
10min rowing at nasal breathing pace – 2200m total, 2:16min pace
Excited to hit the gymnastics work tomorrow!
Decided to be a road warrior today. QOTD: favorite road movie. My answer: Midnight Run.
1000k row, followed by the warmup stretches and a jog to the park.
8 100m sprints and then the cool-down yoga.
We’ll have a formal QOD on the blog starting tomorrow!
For now I’ll jump on Charle’s QOD. What’s a “road movie”? Something with a road in it? Travel? Im not sure.. the first thing that comes to mind is Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. I love that movie, and they did a really good job capturing the feel and flow of the book.
Answer to Charles’ QOTD: Im gonna say “Two-Lane Blacktop” on this or “National Lampoon’s Vacation” lol
I suggest for people to watch the former!
How do we join the virtual classes?
And also, will locked and loaded be for people who were unable to adopt equipment? I’ve got nothing to lift but my body : ).
QOTD: Mad Max. Hands down. (And I’ll take old or new versions.)
Vinnie there will be a link here on the blog to join!
Did today’s Road Warriors programming yesterday as hill sprints with Mr. Fox. My legs were pretty wobbly on the walk home. I appreciated the yoga afterwards. 😉
Today, I started with a longish yoga session then did Brittnastics…or maybe Brittasaurus Flex? Those holds were challenging! Really fun to get into a headstand hold. Decided I’ve felt like a beginner this past week so only went with 50 burpees. Finished in 3:30 all barefoot. Stopped there then realized I conveniently forgot the Ab cashout. Decided to do it. Thought that scaling to 7 reps of each would be ABsolututely (sorry) doable but I was wrong! Scaled to 5 reps each the rest of the rounds and still couldn’t go completely unbroken. Clearly I’ve got some work to do! Thanks Britt!
Day 1 of 🤸🏻♂️Brittnastics🤸🏻♂️ was solid!
Did 50 burpees @ 5:44
Added a set of toes-against-the-wall-walk-your-hands-backward-to-a-handstand
QOD: Zombieland
Stay healthy everybody!
QOTD: Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure.
My workout consisted of a 3ish mile walk when the rain stopped but still great out, gray and a little chilly, a little foggy. I love the feel of that on my face. I came back and had a 20 minute meditation session.
Thelma and Louise!
Much needed rest day after 100 squats yesterday.
QOTD: Cannonball Run
Ok I finally did a thing! (Other than breathing and coloring.)
Yesterday’s Locked and Loaded. 16 kg kettlebell, which seemed way too light for the rows, but boy howdy it was just right for the WOD. 4 rounds plus 20 + 8 and thank the lord that I didn’t have time for another death march. Echoing the other MC’s comments yesterday: I took a lot more rest than I do in group class (and I feel pretty entitled to rest even when I do have an audience).
Tried to cash out with the Brittastic Brittnastics ab work but gave up during the second round of hollow rocks. Why did I think I could do sets of ten?
So grateful to everyone that is making this happen!
All of the QOTD answers are excellent today — makes me want to watch all of them again. My answer is Mad Max Fury Road.
Brittany’s routine was no joke, especially in tandem with that finisher!
Got the 75 burpees in 5:37. Excited to see where that is in a few weeks!
Thanks for the great workout, Coach B.
Oof. Did Brittany’s routine today, and those eccentric push-were rough. The 75 burpee thing was kind of uncalled for. Thanks again for pushing this stuff out.
“Uncalled for” is the best description of burpees I’ve ever heard
Hey All!
Saw that this was happening yesterday and was THRILLED. I’m shocked at just how lost I was without all of you to start my day.
Brittnastics was a crusher. I’m forever grateful. 😊
Did superset 1 after realizing I did NOT have a bottom of headstand hold 😂
5×5, :05 sec
50 burpees at 4:22
Core finisher (well named)
5x5x5 (tucks and frogs 🐸 instead of V and Straddle)
Noticed that my roof where I work out is not padded enough for my behind. Creating solutions for that as I go. 🤷🏻♂️
Ready for tomorrow!
QOTD: Thelma and Louise for sure.
Did Road Warriors first at the park, splits ranged from 18 to 24 seconds.
Then Brittnastics at Harmony Playground – will for sure be sore from the eccentric work! Strict handstand/headstand stuff is a definite weakness of mine and it felt good to dedicate so much time to it during this time when so much reflection is built into the day.
100 burpees to a 6 inch target (a branch I determined was about 6 inches from my outstretched arm overhead) in 7:18. This was awesome.
Oh hey blog comments!!
Was feeling a little paralyzed by current events the last few days so I only ended up doing Monday’s run today but WOW I feel SO MUCH BETTER!!
I’m theoretically training for the NYC marathon (which may or may not happen in November )and I’ve never done anything like this before- Ro is doing my programming and up until this week, I was being really consistent with my workouts.
Anyway, back on the horse now, even if I’m a few days behind.
Today I did 7 miles EZ pace- to be fair, it wasn’t that easy though. This is the longest run I’ve done so far.
It took me 59:38- ave 7mph- I ran from my place, across the Manhattan Bridge and back- glad I could make the most of being outside today.
Anyway love you all- miss you! xx
QOTD: The Motorcycle Diaries (but to be fair I don’t know a lot of road trip movies).
Went for a 3.5 hike in literal mountains with the kiddos, came home and did Brittnastics today. (I did Road Warriors day one yesterday, so I’ll do workout 2 tomorrow!).
I modified almost everything in Brittnastics to the easiest version except the planks because I can hold me some planks, so did 1 minute holds there. The bottom of a push up hold on knees was brutal for me because of uneven shoulder retraction I guess? Yay. Ab workout I did 5-5-5 with modified versions and was sliding all over the floor because I’m in a cabin without my mat. Whoops.
Just got done working out on our building roof with a great view of the city skyline and sunset (sniff sniff).
Since I’m in the middle of a Strength Cycle with Jeremy, decided to follow our regular programming with my 20# DB adopted twins. I will probably stay close to the same days that it would be happening (Tues/Thurs/Sat instead of Sun!)
DB squats 3×8
DB floor press 3×8
DB deadlifts 3×8
Did the 10mins of the World’s Greatest Stretch posted on the blog a few days ago!
See you all at Active Recovery on Sunday?
Also as a music dork I’d love to hear what y’all are listening to while working out on the blog!! Podcasts? Music?
Mine was “Nigeria 70 – Lagos Jump” compilation with a cool down with Grouper “Ruins”!
I was actually think we should share playlists two days ago when I was doing the bodyweight workout!
Maybe COVID-19 can bring back mixtapes for me. <3
QOTD: Y Tu Mama Tambien, with Mad Max Fury Road a close second
Brittnastics at home with Lauren: Did the handstand and headstand holds, then 5×4 eccentric HSPU. These got spicy real quick.
100 burpees, 5:50-something. Don’t need to see these again for a while. Finished up with ab work, 5-5-5.
QOTD: Probably Mad Max Fury Road?
Did the Road Warriors workout, don’t really have a good notion of splits but I think it was around 30-40 seconds? All I know is that running 100m feels like it takes forever and walking 100m didn’t feel like it was long enough.
Did some of the Brittnastics, but only as some accessory work.