Bodyweight Ninjas WOD Explanation 3.18.20
Warm Up
4-5 Rounds:
5e Cossack Squats
5e Lateral Bounds (or 5 more Cossacks)
5e Quadruped Shoulder Taps
:30 Downward Facing Dog (+ calf march)
AMRAP 20 Minutes:
5 Strict Handstand Push-Ups or Wall Walks
10e Bodyweight Single Leg Romanian Deadlifts (or Split Stance Romanian Deadlifts)
15 V-Ups or Tuck Ups
20 Glute Bridges or Hip Thrusts
Aim to move at a consistent pace throughout. Modify volume or ROM as needed on the HSPUs if 5 strict is a lot for you… we don’t recommend kipping these at home 🙂
Color One of These!
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Dumbbell/Kettlebell Locked and Loaded WOD Explanation 3.18.20
Warm Up
3 Rounds:
5 Elbow to Instep + Rotation, each side
8 Reverse Lunge (both legs) + Air Squat
5 Straight Leg Inchworms with 5 second pause with hips high
Bent Over Row with :02 pause at the top:
3 x 6-12 each arm
Rest 1:00 between sets.
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
10 each 1-Arm KB/DB Front Squats
8 No-Push Up Burpees (walk in and out if you cannot jump inside)
:30 each 1-Arm Overhead KB/DB Hold/March OR 40m 1-Arm Overhead Carry
Color One Of These!
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55+FIT Gym-less WOD Explanation 3.18.20
Warm Up
3-4 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
10e Forward + Back Leg Swings
10e Torso Rotations
10 Standing Toe Touches
10 Arms Over and Back
4-5 Alternating Sets of Each:
8-10e Single Arm Odd Object Bent Over Rows
8-10e Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats or Split Squats (supported as needed)
AMRAP 15 Minutes:
15-20 Goblet Squats (or Chair Squats)
10e Turkish Sit Ups (hold an object in the raised hand and progress through the bridge as able)
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Here’s Coach Keith with a whiteboard explanation of today’s Locked and Loaded WOD
Programming Update
We were so excited to see over 150 CFSBKers came down to adopt a kettlebell or dumbbell at our fostering events over the past two days. Given the volume of people who now have access to a weighted implement we’ve decided to just run the one workout track that assumes you have a dumbell or kettlebell which we’ll affectionately call “Locked & Loaded” through the COVID closure. Where possible we’ll try to include some bodyweight subs if you don’t have a dumbbell or kettlebell.
We’re also quickly working to set up some regular virtual classes via Zoom started by Friday.
PLEASE FILL OUT THIS SURVEY to let us know which virtual class times would work best for you as well as what other kind of virtual classes you’re interested in.
What Should I Look for When Buying Whole Grains? NY Times
The Benefits of CrossFit CrossFit (video)
Possible to extend the adoption period? (I wasn’t able to come the past two days but am interested in brining a baby kettlebell into my life during these crazy times.) Please let me know. Thanks.
I’ll second this. I’d be happy to walk over and adopt one of those cute little dumbbells. She’d go to a happy home, with lots of alternating one handed snatches to keep her company.
7.00 am class. Me and Brian
QOTD: Who would you most want to quarantine with (we both said me)
Squat and lunges after yesterday was brutal. Me 10lb for squats, 20lb OH. 4+ rounds. Brian yellow KB throughout 3+ rounds. Miss you guys. Stay safe be strong. xo
That’s an awesome QOD. Maybe “if you had to quarantine with someone other than your spouse/SO, who would you pick?” So everyone doesn’t give the same answer 😛
(I would, of course, *actually* pick my spouse. Second choice would be my niece, but then again she’d leave me alone half the day because she works in healthcare!)
I just assumed everyone would say me 🤣🤣
Wait! I change my answer to Cathy! <3
JB, next quarantine it’s me, you, and a cat named Doug. xo
Note: The strength work description in the video doesn’t quite match what’s on the blog (video says 8 reps/set with 0:01 pause at top, blog says 6-12 reps with 0:02 pause). I followed the video, looked at the blog to remind myself how much to rest, and realized they’re different. So…I did it Keith’s way with 40# DB.
Switched to 23# (?) adjustable DB for the AMRAP. That was more than enough weight today. 4 rounds + 28 reps + about 0:20/side on the march (wanted to balance it out at the end).
Things that are different about pandemic workouts:
1) I do quite a few of them barefoot. Am also wearing summer clothes since it is VERY warm in my apartment.
2) I dilly-dally a LOT between components. Turns out I need other people to make me not read an article, play a game of Dr. Mario, and otherwise avoid transitioning from the strength work to the AMRAP.
3) I spend way too much time trying to find the perfect music choice. Will try not to make fun of the coaches’ playlists ever again. 😛
Locked and loaded was a good one! Got through 4 rounds + front squats in the 12 minutes
Also doing barefoot workouts and remembering how much I miss cool down time and/or finding a spot to flop down and sweat all over the place
We left town and could not adopt any babies so we’re all body weights up here in VT. QOTD: If we can’t use our spouses, my husband said “someone really hot.” Oye. Yes, I married this man. Me: A hot doctor who knows how to cook & clean well. I got through 5 1/2 rounds today and Michael 6 1/2 rounds. We amped up the glute bridges to single leg glute bridges. Our playlist today: 80s Hiphop. We’ll be doing our outdoor walk later along with PT for me. (Katie, I’m keeping up!!) .
QOTD: if not for my wife, I’d want to be back in Brazil with my parents (it wouldn’t be pleasant, but I’d be a lot less anxious)
KB WOD 4rds + 10 24kg bell
Subbed front squats for American KB swings, legs were fried from yesterday.
Definitely took it easy today compared to yesterday, had a nice “90s rock pop essentials” playlist going.
Locked and Loaded with our fostered KBs this morning!
3×8 reps ea 16kg rows
4 rounds of the amrap with 20# kb for the fsq and then subbed :30 ea 16kg/24kg mixed front rack suitcase carries for the OH carries
Nice and sweaty! Thanks CFSBK for the KBs and programming!
I love the cool down session 😊😊
So far they are the only thing I am doing….
Locked and Loaded WOD with a 35#kb for all movements
I really liked the warm up today.
3×6 bent over rows
AMRAP 4 rounds.
I normally wouldn’t choose a 35# KB for these workouts if I were at the gym. This weight is definitely a challenge, but mostly doable.
Looking forward to active recovery!
and you responded to the blog post!
I finally learned!! 🙂
Amped the blog is alive again.
QOTD: Of course I’m happy with where I am and who I’m with, but in an alternate universe, I’ll take Will Smith in ‘I Am Legend’… That genetics lab might come in handy.
Strength: 24kg with my newly adopted kettlebell — thank you CFSBK!
Metcon: 3rds + 10 with my 24kg
Holy smokes… I do a lot of “resting” between rounds when no one is watching. A character flaw for sure. Something to work on.
Taking family out of the equation for with whom to be quarantined, I think I’d pick Julia Child.
ended up doing 3 complete rounds in 13-ish minutes with a 30# db with 100m carries (as opposed to 40m, because I can’t read).
followed with 10 mins d/u practice and yesterday’s savasana, which was wonderful.
plus 3×8 ea side of the rows.
Hey ya’ll I just updated the blog with a survey for what times would you want for virtual class times. Please let us know asap!!
I’m not sure I’ve ever posted results on the blog before. I usually just comment on other people’s successes….So, yay!
I really enjoyed the warmup as well. I may have done it a little longer than intended…
Locked and loaded while my kids did khan academy 😊we’ll use the cool down for art class
30#DB 3×10 for the rows
20#DB for the squats
30# for 40m ish carries
Completed 4 rounds
Spent my 40th birthday quarantined today gettin’ sweatttty with this workout.
Did this during my lunch break!
Ended up using 20# DB throughout and finished right at 4 rounds on the dot! CrossFit, it’s been awhile since I’ve seen you in my life!! Cooldown was going back to my desk to do work lol!
My answer to QOTD, besides Crumsho (obv) would be someone who can time travel or go to other dimensions just in case I get bored so… Doctor Strange??
also had to sub with walk in and out burpees and 30 sec holds because we are on the 4th/top floor of our apt ha!
Happy birthday from Madrid, Cam!!!
Aww thank you!!!!!!! ^_____^
Happy birthday, Cam! I’ll be celebrating mine too under quarantine this Friday. Here’s to making the best of a terrible situation! XO
Aww totally!!! Happy early birthday, Jody!!! Glad we can all take some time to spend with our loved ones as being New York residents who are always on the move 24/7 XO
Happy birthday, Jody!!!
Thanks Nancy! We miss you! Be safe out there!
Happy birthday Cam!!! xoxox
Thank you bud xoxooxxox
Am lucky enough to have some DBs and a terrace where I”m staying. Got through 4 rounds of the WOD and am grateful beyond grateful to all of my CFSBK peeps doing the same. If anyone would like to work out “with” me, I’m currently 5 hours ahead of NYC and am super flex between 7am-noon EDT most days. Hit me up! We can try it once and go from there. And of course, if you’re thinking that now is the perfect time to re-think you career, we can talk about my career coaching work.
Also while messaging Katherine Day today, proposal for CFSBK Instagram hashtag for our pets getting in the way of our workouts or making an appearance, brought to you by a cat sprawled out on my yoga mat while I was doing warm ups!
please make this happen
I have 2 cats and a dog that very much like to be included in workouts. I’d do this.
And happy birthday to you Cam!!
Hahaha yesss! Fur Fitness! Thank youuu xoxox
Locked and Loaded with foster 20 kg kettlebell 🙂
Strength: 9 reps each side
WOD: 4 rounds + 10 reps.
Partner Sabrina S. kept me honest with the tempo pause because I kept forgetting the 2 sec pause at the top
Metcon was HARD!
KILLIN’ IT, Eduardo! All best from Madrid.
Hit the “Locked and Loaded” with my own 16kg kettle bell, though I’ve fostered a 35lb dumbbell and will use that next time. Took eyed the whole thing from his bed, probably wondering why we weren’t in the big room I drag him to several times a week to watch humans exert themselves.
E (with whom I am very happy to be quarantined) and I did this workout together on our terrace and are now simultaneously writing blog entries. 🙂 We discovered we fostered a 20kg kettlebell and also already owned a…20kg kettlebell. *face palm* 16kg would definitely have been a bit better for me today, but oh well. Still grateful E biked home with that sucker!
I did 3×6 with 20kg for the rows (phew!), then 4 rounds + 16 FSQ at 25# in the metcon.
Love to everyone; will really love seeing everyone’s updates here and to see how CFSBK continues to bring together our virtual community. If anyone can do it well, it’s the CFSBK team.
QOTD: Who would you most want to be quarantined with? As a single snack cake this is a very important decision. I chose three and went through a process of elimination: Jose Andres, Brad Leone, Snoop Dogg. Jose Pros: fun, smart, excellent taste in wine, good stories, can cook. Cons: Will drink all the wine. Snoop Pros: Sporty, relaxed, likes video and board games, has excellent weed, can cook, likes to drink. Cons: Will smoke all the weed and then eat all the food. Brad Leone Pros: All those listed for both Jose and Snoop. Cons: NONE because he is perfect. So.. Brad. –> Watch him on YouTube, he’s the best.
I’m on an exercise hiatus until Friday and made my own adventure that I’m calling The Chill Ninja. I walked 6 flights of stairs for six rounds. Tabatas consisting of front lunges, back lunges, squats. I borrowed a dog and went for a long walk.
JB internal dialogue (trialogue?) is the best internal dialogue.
I’d go with the other cooking Jose (Garces), but that’s because I’m from Philadelphia. Andres is pretty awesome too.
Oooh trialogue is excellent. Since I was basically 3 movements for each tabata count, Lazy Ninja was mega low and slow, I had lots of time to ruminate. Its a Jose off!
QOTD: I’ll say Pat C since he isn’t here and it’s a bummer. Rex is a fantastic quarantine buddy as he is snuggly and sassy without being annoying. Only other choice would be Jon Stewart.
Did both Locked and Loaded (5 rounds) and the Bodyweight Ninja (5.5 rounds, 35# weighted SL RDLs) at Harmony Playground today after an “easy” 20k bike ride around Prospect Park with Coach Ro. RIP my legs. Used my 35# fostered dumbbell and stayed in the sun and fresh air for as long as possible!
I’ve also loved seeing all the blog activity this week! It’s like we really ARE in this together. 🙂
Also, I’ve never checked social media more than I have in the last 3 days…
Me too! I set up limits on my phone and it’s not very happy with my amount of overriding 😂
4 rds done.
Amazing programme.
Love from Portugal
Fitness with friends at the Park Slope Playground. Mike I. did Locked and Loaded while Richard G. and I were Ninjas. I heard an “oh god” at one point and a “f…” later; I think that means we worked hard.
I felt those lateral bounds during the warm up everywhere. In a good way. Fun trying something new. I do not recommend doing wall walks against a fence and on concrete. I changed it up to walk facing shoulder taps and handstand holds. Took Jody’s suggestion and did single leg glute bridges. (Hi Jody!) My V-ups need work. I have to figure out how to use my core more than my hip flexors. Pilates. I carried my pet dumbbell to and from the playground either as a farmer or overhead.
Nice to work out in the fresh air. Planning to go in the morning. Want to join?
Welcome back Brett and Whitney!
Hi Sara! Glad they worked for you! (I gave up by round 3 ; ). And the v-ups, me too. A bit of an indoor disaster.
Amazing workout in the park on Lincoln with the two best Greens out there: Sara -berg and Richard -span. Absolutely made my day. So thankful for this entire group of humans. Also thankful that Sara volunteered to carry my dumbbell home for me every time we do this (well, her voice said no but I’m pretty sure I saw a yes behind those eyes).
Thanks again for saving my sanity with this body weight wod this afternoon.
Can I be quarantined by myself? Just for like 5 minutes?
QOTD: Besides my SO Jess I’ll say Margot Robbie, I get a pass anyway.
Locked & Loaded – Strength: 3×10 @20kg kb
Metcon: 5+5 @20kg kb
I work out in the field in front of the Old Stone House by 3rd St/4th Ave. It’s pretty open and spacious.
Stay. Away. From. Margot. Robbie. She’s. Mine.
Q: I’m having a great time sheltering with my pierced, green-haired youngest son.
We jogged once around Fort Greene Park then did the Locked and Loaded programming.
Me 4 rnds 30lb
Joaquin 4 rnds 8lb
I’ll repeat the meditation but I could never color something so intricate without losing my sh##.
Happy birthday, Cam!!
Locked and Loaded with Lauren at the park/playground on Lincoln (hello alliteration!). 3×8 for the rows and 5 rounds even on the AMRAP, both with 20 kg kettlebell. Fun one. Toward the end of round 4, started wishing that the phone alarm would just ring already.
Aww thanks Steve!!!!!!! xoxo gonna miss Saturday AMs with you and Lauren!
Happy birthday Cam!
QOTD: I’d probably stick with my roommates. We’ve made it this far without killing each other, and the snack game is solid.
Lightly modified locked and loaded, kept the pace a little spicy to make up for slightly light dumbbells. It still feels weird to work out within eye shot of a stupidly oversized bag of M&Ms, but that’s the life.
Thanksssss TR!!! XO