Every 1:00 x 10:
Snatch High Pull + Hang Power Snatch @65-70% of a 1RM or recent heavy single
Sets across. These should be on the light side and allow you focus on speed through perfect positions.
Speed Dumbbell Floor Press:
10 x 3 @21X0
Rest :45 between sets.
These should be LIGHT and FAST on the way up. Begin the cycle with a pair of dumbbells that you can move fast for all 30 reps. As ballpark guide, the total of both dumbbells should be about 30% of a recent 1RM Bench Press or 35% or the recent 5 x 3s.
Note the tempo includes a 2 second descent and a 1 second pause with elbows on the floor before moving the weight up as fast as possible. This is meant to help prevent you from crashing onto the floor and jamming your wrist between the floor and the weights. The intent is to find the floor under control and maintain tension there before exploding up.
Dumbbell Speed Floor Press: Note the control down and speed up.
Mark Bell Speed Floor Press: Though in this video Mark is using bands and a barbell, these reps are a great example of moving through solid positions with amazing speed.
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Week 4 of 6
3-5 Rounds or 20 Minutes for Quality:
10e DB or KB Turkish Get-Ups
200m Jog
Alternating arms every 5 reps is okay!
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CFSBK Gym-less WOD
Warm Up
4 Rounds, Deliberate Pace:
10 Seal Jacks
10 Alternating Wide Stance Toe Touches
10 Alternating Bear Crawl Shoulder Taps
:20 Reverse Plank Bridge
5 Rounds, Fast Pace:
10 Squats
5 Push-Ups
10 Alternating Leg Reverse Lunges
15 Sit-Ups
5 Rounds of 4-7-8 Breathing
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A little update from CFSBK owner Coach David on some changes to our offered programs, plans for the immediate future as well as a thank you to all our members
Introducing CFSBK Gym-less Programming
As Coach David mentions in the video above, starting today we’ll be posting a gym-less WOD to support our members who elect not to come to the gym as part of responsible social distancing. We’ll have more info on these workouts soon, but in the meantime, we hope these will help you remain active, connected, and engaged with the community during this difficult time. As always be sure to stay home if you’re not feeling well. We’ll be here when you recover!
The Dos and Don’ts of Social Distancing The Atlantic
How Does the Coronavirus Test Work? Scientific American
Thanks for posting this David! Glad to see you are getting a good response from folks about not cancelling/holding their membership while away from the gym. Small businesses are going to be particularly hard hit by this, and I think it’s imperative for all of us who have not been financially hit ourselves–or not badly enough to stop paying our dues–to make sure rent, coaches, etc. can be paid until things start to settle down. It could take several months from the looks of things.
Good luck, keep our community posted, and reach out if there is anything we can do to help CFSBK.
My name is Charles and I’d rather be working out at the gym.
3×8 single arm db highpulls @20#
10×3 DB speed floor press at 30# ea.
gym-less WOD RX’d.
I hope to be back soon.
Very grateful for the gym-less workouts! Maybe this will be an opportunity to get the blog’s comment section back to its 5-or-6-years-ago levels of activity.
Just a reminder that social distancing, while wise from a public health perspective, is economically recessionary behavior. A lot of our beloved small, independent, locally owned businesses are going to struggle to survive a pandemic, and we should be doing what we can to support them.
I, for one, want CFSBK to still be open when this is over. So please don’t cancel your CFSBK membership or allow it to lapse, and if you have private sessions scheduled, please find a way to pay for them (at least in part, ideally in full) even if you don’t plan on attending. I know this is maybe counter to Crossfit HQ’s (bizarre) libertarian ethos, but this is not a time for survival of the fittest.
Thank you CFSBK for the gym-less WOD and doing all you can to keep us safe and healthy!
Warm up: I imagine that my downstairs neighbors did not appreciate the seal jacks, but they play insanely loud music sometimes, so we’re even.
Metcon Rx’d! It’s not often I can say that.
I really appreciated the cooldown. I definitely needed it!
Hope to be back soon!
Thank you so, so much for the gymless WOD! I’m well enough to work out, but not well enough that I can be sure I won’t give others whatever cold that I have right now.
This makes me feel so much better about being cooped up and I promise to come back only when I’ve gone completely sniffle-free for at least a couple of days!
David and staff — you have all my respect, love and support! I can’t put into words what this community means to me, the gym is not just a gym but a huge part of my world. Thanks for looking out so conscientiously for your people.
One thing I’ve been thinking about doing with my homebound time are some bodyweight skills I normally skim over like pushups, planks, single-leg movements. I have a kettlebell, some heavy dumbbells and that’s it here at the homestead. I would totally be down for some daily progressions/virtual challenges/etc that y’all have been so good at if at-home options get beefed up.
I woke up at 7:15am and missed 8am class! Ugh such a slug and I’m bummed that I was lame BUT loved the gym-less WOD sub! Basically loads of my favorite moves so I was stoked. I added in 5 rounds of running up and down 6 flights of stairs a la Sally.
I’ve become my own personal exercise sadist apparently. Good times!
I know many of us are taking collectively responsibility and doing our part to “flatten the curve” by not coming to the gym, particularly keeping in mind the most vulnerable among us. I agree with Ben, Matt, and likely others — add me to the list of folks that will maintain my membership while I stay home. For those of us that have the privilege to do so, I hope you will join in helping this important business and community stay afloat during this uncertainty by maintaining your membership and/or PT sessions.
Many thanks for the home workouts! If you’re like me, you may be missing the motivation of group workouts and community vibes. If the gym ends up closing, which I’m sure would be a difficult decision that our membership would support, I bet we can tap the creativity and resourcefulness of our coaches and members to make live virtual workouts a possibility. I work at a national non-profit organization that has been entirely virtual/remote since we started 5 years ago, so I’m happy to share tips and tech tools (e.g. donating Zoom licenses) to help facilitate online group classes we can take from home. I’m getting a kick out of picturing a Zoom video call with 30 of us in Brady Bunch view doing burpees in our living rooms.
I’m very proud to go to one of the few gyms that provides healthcare and PTO for its coaches, especially during times like this. Thank you David, coaches, and support staff for all that you do to create a supportive community for us to pursue our wellness.
Sending virtual high fives and hugs!
I just want to say I love you all.
miss you guys. <3 <3
So happy to have been at the 9 am with the Foxes and grateful for this community. I’m looking forward to the at home workouts and trust David to find a way to keep us a community while we do what he’s taught us to do best – take cae of ourselves while we take care of each other. I cannot wait to see you all again at the end of the month and am both terrified and excited about what kind of hellscape will be our first work-out back in the gym. Like others I’m proud to keep paying our membership fees during this time. Hope to see you all on a zoom or Facebook live class and can’t wait to start giving high fives again.
Love from Portugal. the situation is also bad, and all the gyms are closed.
Good decision David.
I love the gym and am looking forward to coming back, whenever that is. I’ll support it any way that I can. I really appreciate how proactive and thoughtful you’ve been. Super difficult decision, but the right thing to do in this situation. Thank you, David, all the coaches and staff. CFSBK is really the best community.
Looking forward to doing the at home workouts. I’ve been working out remotely the past few weeks (early social distancing), and all my movements have been pulled from all the stuff that I’ve learned at the gym, so thank you for that knowledge.