Back Squat:
Heavy 5 @2011
80% x 9-12 x 2
Warm up to a single heavy set of 5 reps at tempo, slightly (5-10lbs) heavier than the heavy 5 you did a few weeks ago if able. This should be done with no misses and perfect form. The goal is to build success at moving heavy weights with near perfect form, so this should not be a true 5RM. Finish with 2 sets of 9-12 reps at 80% of what you did for today’s heavy 5. These sets should be challenging but leave a rep or two in the tank. Have spotters in place on all work sets.
Post loads to comments.
Week 4 of 6
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
8 Front Squats 135/95
8 Lateral Burpees Over the Bar
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
The barbell should be medium-heavy for you and unbroken. A full (Squat) Clean to begin a set counts as a rep. The Burpees Over the Bar are Rx’d as a two-foot jump. Scale to stepping over as needed. Modify the Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups to Chin-Over-Bar or Ring Rows as needed.
Post rounds, reps, and Rx to comments.
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Leah D. at the Arnold Classic: A Recap
Our in-house massage therapist Leah D. spent the weekend competing in the USA Powerlifting competition at the Arnold Sports Festival in Columbus, OH. Today we’re happy to bring you her report. Here, in her own words, is what went down:
The Arnold was full of firsts, and not even bullshitting, I’m glad for all of them, even the “bad” firsts. First Arnold, first failed lifts (ever! In 8 years!) on technicality, first time playing with lots of new variations on the big 3 during this prep, first time doing a modified water cut (and I will forever do it this way,) first time pulling over 300lbs (finally)!
Look, I’m not gonna spend a whole lot of time defending myself but judging on squats on my platform left a lot of people confused. I didn’t get my third attempt shown here (281lbs), most jury members agreed it was depth but it has to be unanimous. Regardless, it moved like an opener and it’s not a question of if I can do it. First time I’ve ever failed lifts on technicality, so that’s out of the way now.
I tested a newer bench technique on the platform premature to perfecting it and it cost me my third attempt, but I did still hit a small meet PR of 176lbs.
Deadlifts really came through for me, oddly. I FINALLY got my 300lbs+ pull and I did it twice. 303 and then 308 (here.) Pretty stoked, even if this isn’t a big pull in the grand scheme of things, it’s by far my worst lift and I fought a long time for this.
This prep was rough toward the end. This rinse and repeat approach to competing really got to me. A lot of new lift variations triggered panic attacks related to old chronic pelvic pain. Scrapping big chunks of training during peak isn’t ideal but my body holds some stories and I can’t beat it up over them. I got a LOT of new data on myself this prep. Thank you @getthelift for everything, especially giving me new things to play with and putting up with me. Yadda yadda, bad “I’ll be back” joke.
Thanks for representing us, Leah. Show her some love in the comments!
News and Notes
- New cycles of our long-running Starting Strength program start this week, and there are still some spots available. The Starting Strength program is an opportunity to spend 8 weeks with Coach Jeremy honing your technique and increasing your capacity at the most fundamental strength movements. Go HERE to learn more and sign up!
- Missing something? It might be in our most recent lost and found dump! Be sure to claim your stuff at the front desk before we donate it to CHIPs in a couple of weeks.
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Damn, Leah! I’d kill for a 176 bench! Amazing.
7 AM with Fox and Lauren. Daylight saving time can go f itself. (Also, pedantically: We spend the majority of the year in daylight saving time, so why is “standard” time still called standard? How can it be a standard if we spend less than half of the year in it? End rant.)
185 then 150 on squats. OMG, this was so much heavier than I expected it to be. I’ve done 185 for 3×5 god knows how many times in my life! But I definitely haven’t made it to enough squat exposures this cycle, so there’s that.
WOD: 3 + 15 with chin-over-bar pullups, otherwise Rx. I turtled my way through this one, for sure.
Congrats, Leah! That’s impressive.
I also love the “style” added to each lift. It’s amazing to watch.