Every 1:30 x 8:
Power Clean + Hang Power Clean @65-70% of a 1RM or recent heavy single
Sets across. These should be on the light side and allow you focus on speed through perfect positions.
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Week 1 of 6
7-10 Rounds or 30 Minutes for Quality:
3 Speed Dumbbell Floor Presses @21X0
100′ Sandbag Bear Hug Carry
:20 Hollow Body Plate Hold Flutter Kicks
:45 Easy Bike/Jog
The Speed Dumbbell Floor Press should be LIGHT and FAST on the way up. Begin the cycle with a pair of dumbbells that you can move fast for all 20 reps. As ballpark guide, the total of both dumbbells should be about 30% of a recent 1RM Bench Press or 35% or the recent 5x3s.
Note the tempo includes a 2 second decent and a 1 second pause with elbows on the floor before moving the weight up as fast as possible. This is meant to help prevent you from crashing onto the floor and jamming your wrist between the floor and the weights. The intent is to find the floor under control and maintain tension there before exploding up.
Dumbbell Speed Floor Press: Note the control down and speed up.
Mark Bell Speed Floor Press: Though in this video Mark is using bands and a barbell, these reps are a great example of moving through solid positions with amazing speed.
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Coach KHarpz gets down at Wodapalooza. A whole bunch of CFSBK athletes are competing at WZA this year. See Friday’s post to find out how you can follow our athletes’ progress! We’ll bring you the results tomorrow!
Today’s Schedule
We are running on a modified schedule today (Sunday) as we host the Functional Range Conditioning Seminar in 597. Please check in for class at 608 Degraw. Here’s that’s happening:
8am CrossFit
8am Short Circuit
9am CrossFit
9am CrossFit Preschool
10am CrossFit
10am CrossFit Kids
10am Starting Strength
11am CrossFit
11am Active Recovery
12pm CrossFit
12pm Pilates
1pm CrossFit
2-6pm Open Gym
Cancelled: 2:15pm Free Intro
We will not be able to accomodate any Open Gym work before 2pm today.
Wodapalooza Coverage Morning Chalk Up
How to Build Healthy Habits NY Times