A1) Close Grip Bench Press:
5 x 3 @ 3011
No pause at the bottom but the turnaround should be controlled with little to no “bounce.” Add a few lbs to last week.
A2) Segmented Deadlift:
5 x 3 @ 3131
Tempo for these is @3131, read as: 1 second pauses at each of the 3 positions (1” > Knee > Mid Thigh) > 1 second at full extension > 3 second eccentric/lowering to the floor > 1 second pause on the floor. Add a few lbs to last week.
Post loads to comments.
Week 6 of 6
5 Rounds for Time:
10 Kipping Pull-Ups
20 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches 50/35
40 Double-Unders
The Dumbbell Snatches are “Open Standards” and should be medium-heavy for you, unbroken on the fast end. Modify volume on the Pull-Ups to as few as 5 per round or to Ring Rows as appropriate. Modify the Dubs to Alternating Foot Steps or 2x Singles.
Post time and Rx to comments.
View this post on Instagram
“Be Like Natalie”
Coach Whit recently posted these words of wisdom about her client Natalie on Instagram, and we just had to share:
Meet Natalie (again), who is now 85 years young! This week we did squats to a bench, dumbbell bent over rows, and then practiced getting down to and back up from the ground. About a month ago I asked Natalie if that was something she’d be interested in working on. We agreed it was a good idea and worked our way into it, step by step. A few weeks of practice and it’s getting easier! 🎉 Anytime we try something outside our comfort zone, we can feel a lot of uncertainty, doubt, and fear. That’s normal and expected. It doesn’t mean we have to let those thoughts and feelings stop us. Natalie doesn’t. 💪🏼 Be like Natalie!
We also recently posted a little update on Coach Fox’s client Neal G.!
News and Notes
- For more great stuff like this, follow our coaching staff on Insta! We posted this handy list not too long ago.
- Photos from the Community Potluck continue to roll in. Check out Thomas H.‘s set here!
A Mindful Approach to Valentine’s Day InsightTimer Blog
10,000 Steps a Day to Better Health? CrossFit
Every time I come in for Saturday Strong Fit, Natalie is there, doing the work at 8 AM on a Saturday. Bet she’s way more consistent about Saturday 8 AM than I am. Be like Natalie is right!
Feeling very pleased with myself for managing the tempo at 125# on the bench! 165# DL.
Scaled the hell out of the workout, partly to save my hand but also partly because I just needed to be not aggro today. 10:49 with ring rows, slam balls, and foot steps.
Natalie’s kids must be really strong and awesome.