Every 90 Seconds for 10 Sets:
Power Clean
Start at about 65-75% and build to a medium-heavy load for the day with the goal of no misses and no slop Keep these crisp, focusing on timing and speed. Consider sloppy footwork or racking of the bar as misses. If you miss any set you must drop weight.
Post loads to comments.
Week 6 of 6
4-5 Rounds or 20 Minutes:
1:00 Bike/Row/Jog
15e Single-Arm Plank w/Band Row
20 Alternating Prisoner Step-Ups
:30 Dual KB Rack Hold
Modify the plank w/band row to a plank with alternating forward reaches as needed. Use a box height that places the front thigh around parallel to the floor. Use a challenging load on the Kettlebell Rack Hold.
Post work to comments.
Our first photoset from the Community Potluck is now up on Flickr. Check out more of Aaron W.’s photos here!
Sunday: Gymnastics Kipping Workshop with Coach Brittany
Looking to get those coveted Kipping Pull-Ups in 2020? This gymnastics seminar with Coach Brittany will focus on developing the Kip Swing! Athletes will build the Kip Swing from the ground up, literally, by developing the hollow and arch positions on the floor before applying them on the rig. The primary focus will be developing the kip swing and progressing to Kipping Pull-Ups, but we will touch upon the kip swing as it pertains to Toes-to-Bars as well. Attention will be given to Strict Pull-Up mechanics, so athletes know how to get the most out of their strict pulling work. Athletes can expect to leave with a better understanding of how shoulder mobility and strength affects Strict and Kipping Pull-Ups, the prerequisite strength needed for Kipping Pull-Ups, how to develop the skill of Kipping, and how to increase Kipping Pull-Up capacity.
Who Should Sign Up
You do not need to be able to perform a Strict Pull-Up to attend this seminar. Athletes will be given modifications as appropriate in order to perform all movements. However, please be aware that you will be doing a lot of hanging, and although this can modified as well, please take that into consideration if you think it will limit your participation or enjoyment!
Date & Time
Sunday, February 16th from 12pm-2pm
Capped at 12 athletes.
Spots are selling quickly. Register now!
5 Great Ways to Use a Wall BarBend
Why Do We Laugh? Scientific American
PC looking like a snack! (and at one)
Yes!! Time to eat your dessert after 6 weeks of complexes!